Creating Through Transition

A Few Scrapbooks

Happy WOYWW to you, dear friends! This week I began the process of clearing off my desktop and cleaning up my workspace – but not for any of the reasons you might think.

No, my mother isn’t coming to visit!
No, an acquaintance did not mistake my desktop for the scene of a crime!
No, my husband didn’t threaten to show you what my desk really looks like!

Well, actually, he did, but he knows that if he ever carried out that threat he’d be in the dog house – big time!

As much as it pains me to write these words – it appears that a move is in my future! Based on the fact that packing and paring down are about as easy for me as having a tooth extracted – Prince Charming has wisely suggested that I start preparing for the inevitable now!

WOYWW - Piled For Packing

So, last night, I painstakingly gathered all of my scrapbooks and began to box them up. I felt I needed to do something to internally set the process in motion – to make the intangible real. The process was more emotionally charged than I imagined.

Every completed scrapbook made me want to stop and pour over past memories.

Every new scrapbook made me want to start filling it with new ones.

Right then and there.

It’s going to be a LONG summer!

A Journal Of Sorts

While I was sorting, I came across a blank book I flipped through and ended up setting aside. Entitled “A Journal Of Sorts”, the book is set up as a combination journal and scrapbook for busy individuals. Inside there is a page-a-month format for you to do whatever you want.

  • Create a layout.
  • Make a collage.
  • Do a bit of journaling.

I thought this book might be the perfect backdrop for capturing a few thoughts and impressions during the midst of a busy season!

Now for a few questions:

Have a wonderful Independence Day and have fun exploring what’s on everyone’s desk this week!

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51 Responses to “Creating Through Transition”

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  1. Mary Anne says:

    Lol! I don’t like moving either but feel like if we don’t do so every three years we just accumulate too much stuff. We’ve been here about 8 years and I feel overwhelmed by stuff. I am so with you on the albums. I can get lost in them for hours if I let myself.

    Happy woyww
    MA (1)

  2. Judy McCarthy says:

    Gosh, I don’t envy your having to move. Hope you can garner a little time to do some creating in your discovered book.

  3. Brenda B says:

    We changed continents 18 years ago yesterday with four suitcases between us, it would take four large moving trucks and them some if we were to move now!! Good luck with it all.


  4. Joynana says:

    I don’t like having to pack everything up and then unpack it once you are in the new place and then put it in a good place. If I could get someone to do it for me and do it like I would do it, Moving would not be a problem. I have lived in the same place now for almost 10 years. I moved from Chicago to Alabama and it has been one of the best times of my life. I learned a lot about who I am during this time. Yes, I do journal (art journal, smash book and writing journals. I have been very bad about keeping the written journal up.) #17

  5. good luck with your move, happy woyww!
    Lindsay #18

  6. Shoshi says:

    You have my sympathy. We’ve got to move in about 2 years, and I need to start getting sorted now. I’ve got rid of quite a lot of stuff, but there’s so much to organise and I can see myself just not doing it… Horrendous thought, isn’t it!

    Your journals look very organised though.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #25

  7. Spyder says:

    I’d get side tracked…Don’t think I’d ever be that tidy! Your journals look lovely!
    HaPPy WoyWw
    ((Lyn)) #22

    ohoooo shooot…it wants me to ‘sign in’ again……I’ll just shorten my email, that’ll fox it!

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      Hope you’re having a fabulous week Spyder – sorry things are acting funky today – you shouldn’t have to sign in again – it must be having an off day!

  8. Julia Gibson says:

    I just found your blog through the Tuesday Train. Oh my. I can’t wait to dig in and check it all out! Newest follower on Linky!


  9. neelzexpressionz says:

    Hi there. Nice to pop in and see your creative world this week. I won’t stay long; don’t want to give you my cold! Hope you have a good creative week though.
    Neil # 33

  10. Sorry to hear you are having to move. We have been in the same house now for about 24 years and I would probably have a heart attack trying to get rid of some of the stuff I have collected. Good luck with your task. Vickie #36

  11. Scrappymo! says:

    Good luck on your move. I may have the same in my future…Uggggh is all I can say!!!

  12. jill says:

    What a great looking journal , i hope you have fun using it & filling it with bits & bobs.
    Hope your move goes smoothly ,, hapyy crafting jill #43

  13. Hmm, left a long message and it got buggered and I lost it. I’ll just say the most important bit, which is “all the best with the move!” in case it happens again. Darnell #35

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      I’m so sorry your message got lost Darnell – I just hate when that happens!

      Anyway, thanks for stopping by – I hope you have an awesome week! 🙂

  14. Amanda says:

    I haven’t moved in over 10 years but when we did I found the packing hard going and was glad I had started early. Just remember you will get to unpack at your leisure so you can spend hours revisiting all the memories the scrapbooks contain. It is also a great time to get rid of the “may come in handy” one day stuff too and that is very therapeutic. Hugs, Amanda *56

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      I know – there is just SO much to weed through! I have to be in the right frame of mind to do it. I am GOOD at collecting things – but paring down? Not so much one of my strengths!

  15. Oooh it does sound like its going to be a long few months – at least starting early you will get chance to stop and have a look through the albums – that is something I dont think I do enough really (I have 19 12×12 scrapbook albums alone and I dont think anyone looks at them apart from me very occasionally!). Have fun sorting though – I find it very inspirational as I usually find something I have forgotten I have and then go off and make something with it (I am very good at putting off something I should be doing!). Have a fabulous week and thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl – No. 58

  16. Julia dunnit says:

    Argh, a move…it forces inventory of such stuff that is better kept secret! I’m the same, cant clear anything out in one fell swoop, I have to stop, look, ponder and reminisce, it’s not easy! Good luck..and also, at least I have no empty albums, i manage to only buy them as ineed them!!

  17. Karen says:

    Just quickly popping by between hospital visits to see what you’re all doing! Have fun on WOYWW. Karen T, 77 x

  18. Rita says:

    Brilliant Organisation. I’d like to wish you well on your move. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xx

  19. Sue H says:

    I can just imagine what a tack it is to pack everything up and can also understand the need to read through everything as you do…..just as well you’ve started early!
    The journal that you’ve come across is going to be the perfect way to record your emotional journey and just think………you’ll have a new craft space at the end of it.

    Happy Crafting!


  20. Emily says:

    Oh how I envy you… I love moving and find the whole process very theraputic. My friend is moving this week from Italy to Germany and I would love to be there to help.
    I hope you find your inner peace with the move and just think how many more memories you will have to scrap!

    Emily #89

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      Wow, Emily, you LOVE moving? Come visit me, I need your brand of therapy! Lol!

      I am trying to psych myself up for a productive weekend of paring down and packing up. Trying to do as much as possible before it gets REALLY hot here. Perhaps when we find someplace nice to live I will be more excited – but right now – it just feels like drudgery and hard work!

  21. Hazel says:

    Well done on getting organised – hope the move will go well. It’s an emotional time as well as a time for practical things to be done. Thanks for sharing your workspace with us. Hope you have a good week. Hazel WOYWW #20 x

  22. sandra says:

    The dreaded move … good to be prepared, it will be amazing what you find as you sort.
    Sandra @99

  23. Bernice says:

    Oh I don’t envy you having to pack up all your crafty stuff – I think it would take me at least a year to get organised!!
    Bernice #13

  24. Glenda says:

    I can’t imagine having to pack my stuff and move! Overwhelming task. Hang in there girl you will survive! Good luck and happy WOYWW!
    Glenda 100

  25. Anne Rx says:

    I don’t really envy you the move, but on the positive side, maybe you could get a bigger craft room with lots of storage space!! Happy WOYWw, Anne x #49

  26. Danielle says:

    Good luck with the packing and moving process! My last move was a very emotional one, so I know how you are feeling. I think keeping the journal will be a good thing to help document the journey. dani105

  27. Stephanie-Emma says:

    Lovely scrapbook. Good luck with the move I found it hard enough moving my craft room within the house! Hope you don’t have to pack it up and be without your stash for too long! Xxx

  28. Pam D says:

    I’m rubbish at clearing out, I didn’t even manage to get rid of one scrap of paper when I recently had to empty out my craft room to decorate it.

    Hugs Pam

  29. Laura says:

    We haven’t moved in 11 years and I hope we don’t move again. I can partially commiserate, in that I had to empty “my room” so it could be painted and new carpet could be installed. That’s where my scrapbooks, notebooks, letters, papers from college days, etc. all live. So hard to periodically get rid of things to make room for new. That journal sounds cool. Happy WOYWW from Laura #112.

  30. sandeeNC says:

    I hate moving too and downsizing sucks big time. I’ve had to downsize 3 times in the last 2 years…still have bits to part with too…hate the whole process. And when I unpacked my craft stuff was the first to be organized and put away..ok, the bedroom and some kitchen stuff were actually first, but the craft room was like unwrapping Christmas for me! Good luck! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina with a hot dog in one hand and a flag in the other! 🙂 #37

  31. Laura says:

    Journalling and me don’t get on too well. Arty stuff I can do, wordy stuff – not so much! They say journalling is good at reducing stress levels so journalling the whole moving process sounds like a great idea. Good luck with the move.
    Have a good week,

  32. Helen S says:

    Good luck with the packing – just the thought of it makes my blood run cold!
    Helen S #79

  33. Elizabeth says:

    Hi there … oh, the agony of moving! Like you, I hate any kind of upheaval, caused, I think, by leading a peripatetic lifestyle for most of my 60+ years … now I just want everything to stay put 🙂 However, it would seem that sorting through stuff for packing does have it’s upside … like finding that journal of sorts – it’s brilliant 🙂 Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #85

  34. Dawn
    Twitter: breathoffaith

    That journal looks like one for me!!! I love the idea of collage, scrap and doodle! I do that but have yet to find the ultimate catch all…

    Of course I am a Tsunami fan, who isn’t?

    Hope you had a wonderful fourth. As always love your shares!

  35. Dawn
    Twitter: breathoffaith

    PS – Thanks for linking up!

  36. Erin says:

    Hi Ramona,

    It has been a while, I know…I took a little break (had thyroid removed, so kind of took a little break). But, I hope you are doing well. Come back to read you are moving…hope this is good news??

    Anyway, while I was on break for surgery, I was nominated for the Illuminating Blog Award, and I am to pass the award onto 5 blogs that I feel are illuminating and informative as well. Of course, I have decided to pass this award onto you…you can read my post about it here:

    I hope to be back to join in with your link ups again soon…but, just wanted to say “hi”, missed you, and let you know that I think you are “illuminating” 😉


  37. Valerie L says:

    I would have been in the same dilemma if I were to packup my scrapbooks. I so enjoyed your blog and can relate! I do journal some and checked out your link for RJD. I am intrigued! May pop in and link up sometime. Thanks for sharing. Valerie #142

  38. patsy
    Twitter: Patsypat

    Oh yes, I can imagine how I would want to look through my scrapbooks before packing them! I’m not moving, but i have to clean up and organize my stuff! I’m envisioning myself engulfed in a pile of paper! :^) patsy

  39. Hazel Moon says:

    Thank you for sharing at Tell Me a Story. I can feel your pain as you packed away your scrap books – – but there will be another day and time later to go through them again.

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