WOYWW 49: Cards Galore

Welcome to the 49th edition of What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday (my goodness, have I actually been writing about my desk for the past year?) Julia at Stamping Ground really must have some strange hold over us all!

Prince Charming and I have been under the weather all week, so we are moving at a snail’s pace towards Christmas preparations. Today, I began to sort through cards, looking for the ones I need to mail. Christmas cards in one pile. Trade and swap cards in another. Everything else – back in the box!

Legend was napping peacefully by the cards until he saw the camera, then he got up and moved out of range and refused to let me take his picture. I guess I still need to kiss up to him after dragging him to the vet yesterday (nothing is wrong – it was just time for his annual check-up!)

How are you coming along with your Christmas preparations? Please leave a comment (they bring me such joy!), and when you’re done exploring my blog, hop over to Julia’s to see what everyone else is up to this week!

Have a WOW of a Wednesday, and a fabulous week!

58 Responses to “WOYWW 49: Cards Galore”

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  1. Pam says:

    HaHA! There is a strange hold over us all isn't there? Sorry that you've been under the weather. Legend sounds like a lot of humans I know! Hope you feel better soon. Nothin' wrong w/a snails pace.

  2. Moy Yin says:

    WOW! The cards you have are amazing.

    Moy Yin #2

  3. Chrissie says:

    As to Christmas preparations… for me I think the phrase 'Could do better' comes to mind. But it will all happen anyway somehow or other.
    Wonderful array of cards!
    Chrissie #7

  4. jude says:

    Gosh love those cards.Im pretty much behind with everything as i am on go slow too.Are house has the germs have hubby and both girls down with bviral flu,chest infections,and tonsilitis.So i feel i should have mask on and skull and cross bow on the door to warn peeps away.As for Crimbo preparations sent my airmail cards out 2 days before last posting day phew ,nothing else done.Due to weather and health i did actually start my shopping on line yesterday they should be here today.Must get on writing cards as i may have to make more.
    Have good wednesday hugs judex#6

  5. Debs says:

    Loving your cards – I am only just realising it is December…! Hope you have normal service resumed soon and are bouncing with energy by the weekend xxx

  6. Sheila says:

    Lots of cards! I love it. I should start sorting through mine too.

  7. Terry says:

    Hope you and your Prince Charming feel much better soon. I went through a box of Christmas cards today and started making piles, adding stamps and return address labels, etc. Love your blog banner!

    Terry (17)

  8. Jo Davies says:

    Good morning, lovely selection of card I see, hope you feel better soon, was doing well with my Christmas cards until my mum took them, just couldn't say no…so back to drawing board to create new! Jo (24) xxx

  9. Helen says:

    Slowly, very slowly is how my preparations are! Love your large pile of cards, it is very impressive.

  10. Wipso says:

    Fab cards on show. Poor Legend….nothing wrong but I bet the vet still invaded his privacy with the thermometer 🙂 Do give him a cuddle from me.
    A x

  11. Marjo says:

    Love all your cards. I have been in mass production too. I got behind after being sick for 2 weeks.

    Hugs, Marjo #45

  12. Julia Dunnit says:

    Wow, a cornucopia of cards – really like them all, but for seasonality will single out the dark green card at back – lovely. Sorry you've been under the weather, what with that and the disdain of Legend, you've got some over-coming to do! Truly take heart, my preparations are not underway. Yet.

  13. Susan says:

    What a busy looking desk. I love that Martha Stewart punch!
    Susan xxox #13

  14. sandra de says:

    Ohhh what a lovely stash of cards on your desk?

  15. joey says:


    WOW I wish my desk looked like that with Cards I still have about 20 to make for Christmas argh! lol

    Joey #29 x

  16. Victoria says:

    love thw martha stewart punch on display it looks lush
    vicky 79

  17. oneoff says:

    What a lot of cards! Hope Legend gets to forgive you soon and that there isn't too much flicky tail going on.

    Bernie #81

  18. Penny says:

    Visiting from iFellowship… I'm almost all done with my shopping! I have a church ladies event tomorrow night – our annual Ornament Exchange – which I already have my gift for that… things are going smoothly so far!

    Probably because we are on a tight budget this year – so I had to start early!

    I enjoy your blog – it's adorable! Enjoy your Wednesday!

  19. Emily says:

    Ohhh, I LOVE cards!!!! And I LOVE paper! I just need time to work with both of 'em!

  20. Seams Inspired says:

    New follower from iFellowship! Loving your blog and looking forward to reading your posts. :o)

    We've decked our halls and trimmed the tree. We need to wrap our Thrifty Christmas presents and finish some shopping for our babies. Happy Wednesday! :o)

  21. Violets Corner says:

    Wonderful cards, hope you're feeling better soon!

    Maarit 37#

  22. Kelly says:

    Visiting from the blog hop! Already a follower.


  23. Bleubeard and Elizabeth says:

    So sorry to read that you are not feeling well, but slow is an OK pace, too. You have a ton of cards to choose from. Lucky you. I'm just starting. BTW, kiss both boys, even the shy one.

  24. Marlene says:

    Wowza…that's a lot of cards!

    Thanks for stopping over today…and thanks for the advice, re: comment moderation. I may have to go that route if this crap continues! LOL!

  25. dogsmom says:

    I have that "bug" too so I am ready to cancel Christms until a warmer time of year.

  26. Lisa says:

    Hey! I found your blog through Follow Me Wednesday. I'm now following you.

  27. Janet - AKA: Latte Lady says:

    I LOVE cards!

    Following you!

    You can find me at:

    Have a beautiful day!


  28. curlie girlie says:

    I'm your newest follower from the Catch a Wave Wednesday blog hop! Come follow me too!

  29. Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans says:

    Sorry to hear you are not feeling too well, hope you recover soon. You have a fabulous selection of cards on your desk today. Thanks for the snoop. Tracy Evans (No. 3)

  30. Bluefairy4U says:

    A very busy desk just like mine and not enough hours in the day to make so many cards, every year I say I will start early and now its the 8th December. Sorry you have not been well, keep warm and get better soon. Much Hugs. JO.xx *22*

  31. Dragon says:

    Sorry you Re under the weather… Join my club!! I hate this time of year but your cards look very festive…

  32. Becky Bowden says:

    Hope you both feel better soon, there's so much going round at the moment 🙁 great cards and thanks for sharing x Becky #66

  33. Serendipity Stamping says:

    Love the desk today, seems to be a lot going on! I am done with preps, except for a party Thrusday & Saturday, then nothing till Christmas Eve. Makes a difference when all the wee ones are gone and you no longer go to work everyday, plus it is getting too hard to keep up what I used to do. #92

  34. Evelyn says:

    Hope you both feel better soon.

  35. butlersabroad says:

    what a lovely lot of cards you have ready. Hope you're both feeling better soon, Legend will forgive you I'm sure….. at some point!

    Brenda 83

  36. cats of wildcat woods says:

    Thanks for visiting and following! Hope you feel better – seems like everyone is running behind this month! I took pics of my cats for the cards..That was fun.

  37. peggy aplSEEDS says:

    impressive collection of cards you've made! i have been feeling ok but that doesn't make my Christmas preparations go any faster, LOL! happy WOYWW from #52!

  38. Twiglet says:

    Hope you are feeling better. The cards look great – I am a bit slow getting mine all sorted.

  39. Charlene says:

    Wowza…that's a bunch of cards! Hope you're feeling better!

  40. Elizabeth says:

    Lots of lovely piles to look at this week. Thanks for sharing. Elizabeth #95

  41. Hands to Work, Hearts to God says:

    Hi! I haven't been under the weather but my Christmas preparations aren't going too well either! But that is a fabulous stash of cards I must say! Patsy from

  42. Brandy says:

    Great Blog! Giveaway Blogdom be hoppin! Stopping over from Friday's blog hop! Now a new follower. Would love for you to stop by http://giveawayblogdom.blogspot.com/

  43. amy2blessings says:

    Stopping from friday blog hop.
    Hope you will follow back.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  44. Jenny says:

    Found you on the blog hop! I'm your newest follower!
    I really love your blog!
    I wanted to make my own Christmas cards this year, but I'm sick to and can't get anything usefull done! LOL! Maybe next year… I'm def. bookmarking your blog!

  45. Erika says:

    Hi, I'm visiting from the blog hop! I'm now following you & would love a follow back – thanks!
    Have a great day!
    Musings from a Stay At Home Mom

  46. Janet Ellis says:

    So sorry you are feeling under the weather at this busy time of the year. I really appreciate your sentiment on creativity. Hmmmm, such food for thought isn't it? I'm your newest (for a second 🙂 cause someone else is right behind me 🙂 follower over from Over 40 ~ and I look forward to wandering through your blog. Blessings, Janet
    http://inherpeace-janetsjournal.blogspot.com/ and

  47. shopannies says:

    we will start tommorow

  48. Fruitloopgirl says:

    Hi there. Brand new follower here. I clicked here and there and wound up here and like what I see!
    Hope you will stop on by one of my blogs and say hi!
    personal – http://fruitloopgirlslife.blogspot.com
    food – http://fruitloopgirlsdish.wordpress.com
    crafts – http://fruitloopgirl.wordpress.com

  49. Betty Anne says:

    So sorry to hear you haven't been well. Hope you are well on your way to recovery. Have a fantastic Christmas and great New Years.

  50. Minxy says:

    Looks like you've plenty to keep you going for a while, i've started on the cards and tags but thats as far as my crimbo prep has got, i'm soooo disorganized, maybe next year will be better lol
    Hugs Minxy desk#42

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