WOYWW 63: What’s In The Box?

It’s So Hard To Resist A Pretty Box Like This!
Happy What’s On Your Workspace Wednesday, dear friends! Today, it’s time for another rousing edition of everyone’s favorite game – What’s In The Box?

Pretty Boxes Must Contain Pretty Items!
Today’s treasure is a frugal find I originally used for photo storage. When I decided to file my photos differently, I set it aside, and the box sat untouched for quite some time. Eventually, I unburied it, decided it was too pretty to toss, and began thinking of how I could best use it in my craft room.

Sweet Mementos

After much deliberation I thought it would be the perfect place to store cherished mementos…

Old Or New, It’s Up To You!

And precious cards!

So, that’s what’s on my workspace this Wednesday! What’s on yours?

Now, for those of you who are wondering where the kitties are, Tsunami is playing Peek-A-Boo and Legend is making the WOYWW rounds. Did you know that when I’m not around, the boys like to visit their favorite blogs and leave comments for their feline and canine friends?

I look forward to reading your comments. If you’re feeling extra chatty, you can let me know what you think about Blog Hops – I’m donig an informal survey and collecting some wonderful feedback from all of my readers!

Have a wonderful week and when you’re done desk-hopping, enjoy the eye candy at these sites!

Places To Go, People To See

Pearls And Lace Thursday
Show And Tell Friday
Time Travel Thursday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Vintage Thingie Thursday
Wow Us Wednesday
Blue Monday

53 Responses to “WOYWW 63: What’s In The Box?”

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  1. jude says:

    just love your file box ,and i agre toopretty to throw away or even hide.Have fun filled wedensday
    hugs judex6

  2. Nicky says:

    Lovely box full of your special treasure – thanks for sharing have a great week

  3. Dragon says:

    Great box… So pretty. Have a good week

  4. Roban Studio says:

    What a pretty box, and I wouldn't have thrown it away either. Happy WOYWW #26

  5. Marjo says:

    Thanks for the peek and sharing. Have a great WOYWW

    Hugs Marjo #22

  6. Helen says:

    You couldn't consider throwing out a box like that – it's gorgeous!

  7. Wipso says:

    What a pretty box.
    A x

  8. Virginia says:

    the file box is fantastic – you just can't resist such gorgeous things when you see them – and storage to boot! Hope you're having a great WOYWW!

  9. Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards says:

    Well here we are with another WOYWW! – quite a bit going on here again – just love the box too pretty colours been meaning to cover my box with Nesties in it as it seems to be on my desk most WOYWW weeks! thanks so much for sharing..
    Shaz in oz. x #35

  10. Minxy says:

    A pretty box indeed, I'm a sucker for storage, though i think i'd of altered it had it been mine :oP
    StAy InKy
    hUgS MiNxY #48

  11. Penni says:

    Wow I love this box file it is sooo pretty.

    Have a great day.

    Penni (66)

  12. Sue says:

    Hi ya
    beautiful box, a must to keep, i keep all sorts of boxes just incase i may need them! lol,thanks for the snoop, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(13)x

  13. sasa says:

    Great to have such a lovely box – always need more storage!
    Thanks for sharing your workdesk today. Wishing you lots of creativity until next time!

    Sasa (Sarah) at 1


  14. Di says:

    Love your box! Much too pretty to ever get rid of. Have a happy day! Di x

  15. Cauliflower Cupcake says:

    That is a pretty box – great idea to use it like that.
    Happy WOYWW
    Rebecca x

  16. S says:

    Lots of pretties in the pretty!

  17. Theresa says:

    Very Nifty Storage! Happy WOYWWing!

  18. Shore Girl says:

    I love boxes like that — what a fun way to use it!

  19. Steph @ MomKaboodle says:

    Very pretty! I would've guessed recipes, but maybe that's too ordinary? =)

    Happy iFellowship – I'm your newest follower!

  20. Kimberley says:

    Hi there! Beautiful blog, and what a neat little box! New follower from Welcome Wednesday. Drop on by and see me if you get the chance, thanks!


  21. MadameDeals says:

    I am now following you from the hop. Please, help us reach our goal of 1,500 friends so we can offer great prizes. Thank you, Amee from MadameDeals.com

  22. The Crafty Elf says:

    What a great idea for cherished items. TFS

  23. Carola Bartz says:

    Of course you couldn't have thrown away such a lovely box!!!

  24. okienurse says:

    Lots of pretty things in your special treasure box!! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #83

  25. Clare /aka/ Mummushka says:

    A fitting use for a special box. Like a treasue chest! Thanks for sharing.

  26. CarrieCav says:

    Following from The Middle Matters blog hop…cute box!

  27. Thrifty Mom Spot says:

    Love your site 🙂 Following now from Thursday Hop, would love if you'd stop by my site, thanks!


  28. Fuegita says:

    What a pretty box.

    I am following you from the Welcome Wednesday. When you get a chance please follow me back. Thanks!

  29. TJ @ MeasuringFlower.com says:

    Very cool. 🙂 Hey, new follower from Bassgiraffe's blog hop! Have a good evening. 🙂

  30. MissMOE says:

    Just found your blog from the Thursday Friends Cafe Hop. Enjoyed it very much!

  31. Kim Kasch says:

    What a beautiful box. I'll have a blogpost on Saturday about boxes 🙂 great minds think a like 😉

  32. Shirl says:

    Lovely box, such a lovely place to keep special things.

    Just popping by from the Thursday blog hop, so glad I did, I'm following … :0)

  33. Ohhh Snap says:

    It's wonderful to have a treasure box like that, especially when the treasure is mostly flat!

    I like blog hops, but have only done one serial (with a theme) and one small one. Other than that it's the larger, participate when I can and don't sweat it if I don't WOYWW and PTI monthly blog hops. TFS! #128

  34. Brandy, April, and Amanda says:

    I love your great find. It is way to pretty to hide and must be showed off.

    I am hopping in from a Thursday hop and would love for you to stop by. Have a great day!


  35. ~Lavender Dreamer~ says:

    I love boxes and I use a variety in my hobby room! It's fun to have a treasure box! Yours is lovely! ♥

  36. QueenMarcy says:

    Since you asked for comments, I really do LOVE all of the blog hops! It is neat to see different blogs no matter what the subject! That is how I found your blog and subscribed!

  37. LV says:

    That is a keeper for boxes. It can be used for so many things.

  38. The Rheinlander's says:

    Lovely Box… I have one that I do the same thing with! Thanks for stopping by Keeping Up With The Rheinlander's and for adding our CSN giveaway to your sidebar : )

  39. Elizabeth says:

    Hello, your box is indeed too pretty to toss and the Liptons teabag took me right back to my childhood, now eons ago, and happy memories of Saturday shopping with my mother at the Home and Colonial and Liptons – so thanks for that. Have a good week. Elizabeth x #96

  40. Tiffany says:

    Following from Fab Friends Thursday! Hope you can visit me at http://ttowntiffany.blogspot.com Thanks!

  41. Kathy Detweiler says:

    New follower on GFC from Thursday blog hop, really is a pretty box!

  42. Kezzy says:

    I would agree that box is way too beautiful to throw out and love your idea of keeping momentos in it, those cards are beautiful, did you make them or recieve them? Xx

  43. Julia Dunnit says:

    Oh very pretty Ramona – I would get in a state over what to file things under and it would all go to pot! I realise that's totally not you!!

  44. The Paper Princess says:

    Hi Kezzy,

    A few of the cards in the box, like the Ladies Spring Tea Party mementos, are things that others made that were too pretty to toss and hold some sentimental value for me, but most of the items, like the card, are items I've made and are just saving for the right moment to send!


  45. The Paper Princess says:

    Hi Julia,

    You'd be surprised at how particular I can get over labeling things just right! If you peek into the box, you will notice there are blue labels inside. Those are actually cut up post it notes – I wasn't sure if I wanted the categories to be permanent when I set up the box, so I used post it notes instead of the label maker in case I wanted to change things around!

  46. Rajee says:

    I came to know you from surf and relax sunday blog hop. follow ur blog. Please follow my blog,

  47. John says:

    Very organized!

    Come see my blues, have a great week ahead.

  48. SmilingSally says:

    Thanks for sharing your blues.

    Happy Blue Monday.

  49. Pie says:

    What a cute box. Happy Blue Monday.

    Mine's here.

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