Wordless Wednesday – Balancing Act

Legend - Balancing Act
Photo Of The Week
Legend – Balancing Act

Thought For The Day
There are few things more heartwarming in life
Than to be welcomed by a cat.
Tay Hohoff

Legend loves to startle me by jumping on the back of chairs (while I’m in them) to see how high he can make me jump! Today, I turned the tables on him and caught the wide-eyed prankster in action!

Farewell GFC – Hello Google Plus

Thank you to all of my loyal GFC followers! I am sad to say good-bye to GFC, but invite you to join me on:

I am also exploring other networks and will keep you posted as I add new options!

Wordless Wednesday 9 – February 29, 2012

Wordless Wednesday at Create With Joy

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photo buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographs along the way!

Please spread the word about this party by displaying our beautiful Wordless Wednesday button and linking back to this post (the code is on my sidebar if you need it!) It would also be great if you could use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word about the party!

Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

37 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – Balancing Act”

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  1. stevebethere says:

    Legend looks grand today 🙂

  2. Carol @ Always Thyme to Cook says:

    You really did catch Legend by surprise, great capture! I love his expression. Such a handsome kitty.

  3. Kris @ Beyond the Whiskers
    Twitter: beyondwhiskers

    Wow! My cat tried that once and shortly after realized that the char was way too light for her to balance. Has he ever fallen off before?

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      My office chair swivels and the only time the poor cat has missed is when he was jumping (unbeknownst to me) and I turned the chair and we both caught each other off guard – not a pretty sight! My chair is full of claw marks as a result!

  4. Trisha G. says:

    My mom’s kitty loves doing that! She jump on the chair then whack us in the face with her wagging tail. LOL Thanks for the linky!

  5. alissa apel
    Twitter: AlissaApel

    I always wanted to have more balance like a cat!

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      ME too! I used to have a cat that could balance on a thin (no more than an inch wide) rail – it was amazing! I had another one who used to find great joy in running around the tops of the ceiling pipes in a former basement! Sometimes I think they do things simply because they can!

  6. First of all, I LOVE this link thingy–it’s terrific that it shows a little picture!

    Second, I found you through Creative Every Day–I’m trying to get back in the studio after a bunch of personal stuff, and am absolutely with you on the idea of creating with joy! I wish we encouraged this more in the schools, but that’s a whole ‘nother rant…

    Third–I will absolutely post a picture I took, next time. My dad just passed away and this picture was tops in my mind.


  7. Heather McD
    Twitter: heathermcdougle

    I just love looking at pictures of cats. Their faces sometimes have the funniest expressions. Beautiful cat.

  8. Life in Pieces says:

    I love the way he’s looking at you, like “What?”

  9. Penni says:

    What a fabulous photo of Legend. He looks as if he is quite good at balancing!!! I have to say that it is definitely not one of Orion’s strong points!!!


  10. Sparkle
    Twitter: sparklecat

    I love jumping on the backs of chairs too – maybe my human will capture that once she gets her office organized!

  11. Tammy @ LoveMy2Dogs
    Twitter: LoveMy2Doggies

    Legend looks like one bad@ss cat. lol

  12. Monica
    Twitter: OlderMommyStill

    We have 2 kitties and one of ours is a “balancer” too! Sweet picture.

  13. Paula J says:

    Cats are so sneaky it’s a riot when you catch them in the act lol. Surprise! They never expect it 🙂

    Thanks for hosting WW!!


  14. LadyD says:

    I can’t believe tomorrow is March 1st! I especially like your cats name, very ‘commanding’ presence! Happy WW!

  15. Funny!! Life with cats is always a three-ring circus!!

  16. JP
    Twitter: IamjpJP

    Gosh almighty! I know he deserves “kudos” for the balancing act, but I just can’t get over HOW HANDSOME HE IS!…:)

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      Thank you so much! You should see him when he’s really hamming it up! I really caught him off guard because I’ve never jumped out of my chair and started taking his photos like this before! 🙂

  17. JP
    Twitter: IamjpJP

    What a talent…and handsome as well!

  18. Annie says:

    Such a pretty kitty!! I had no idea linky had a followers widget. That’s pretty nifty! See you around 🙂

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      Hi Annie

      The Linky Followers Widget is new – it was launched at the beginning of February in response to request from several Mom Bloggers for a replacement for GFC that allowed them to follow blogs in a convenient way (without having the social connectivity that Facebook and Google Plus requires!) It’s nice and gathering steam fast – hope you try it out!

      You can get a lot of info on how it works by doing a search on it – a lot of the moms involved in the development have written extensively about it! 🙂

  19. Stacey at RealWorldMom
    Twitter: RealWorldMom

    Beautiful cat! Happy WW!

  20. Nancy @ Joyful Altitude says:

    Your cats cracks me up. So expressive. Love to see your photos. I’m doing an artwork giveaway. Hope you can join in the fun. God bless.

  21. Marcie says:

    Great balancing act and love that face! Mister Naughty Pants looks like he is smiling for the picture.

  22. Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly
    Twitter: Tracy_Iglesias

    Kitty doesn’t quite look like he wanted his picture taken!

    Thankfully I don’t have to worry about GFC quite yet. I haven’t joined Google Plus yet.

    Linked up, Happy Wordless Wednesday and Happy Leap Day, hope you did something fun with this extra day of the year!

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

  23. A lovely cat portrait, as always!

  24. Jet says:

    Hey Legend, Jet here… most impressive… have you tried out for Cirque de Soleil?

  25. pam says:

    Legend is handsome as always!

  26. Judi says:

    Good balancing job! So handsome, too.

  27. Michelle @ The True Book Addict
    Twitter: truebookaddict

    Legend is such a majestic animal! Never get tired of looking at him. 🙂


  1. […] preparing for several big blogging events! You can see what Mister Naughty Pants is up to on Wordless Wednesday (he got caught on film in the midst of yet another […]

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