Inspire Me Monday – Week 15

Inspire Me Monday

Meme Theme
I like the idea of Inspiration Monday.
Monday’s often get the short end of the stick
But they are fraught with potential!
Judy Palmer

Welcome to Inspire Me Monday – a place to share your creative inspirations, sharpen your creative vision, and showcase your creative talents!

I invite you to inspire others and nurture your creative spirit by joining our Creative Blog Hop! To participate, simply join my creative community and then follow the guidelines at the end of this post!

What’s Inspiring You This Week?
Here’s What’s Inspiring Me…

Teens Who Make A Difference!
Meet Mary Grace from Reverse The Course

Mary Grace - Reverse The Course

In 2009, 12-year old Mary Grace had a dream.
She wanted to change one person’s life in the world.
She just didn’t know how to do it.

Then she learned how to make headbands
And her vision was born!

Reverse The Course - White Headband with Embellishment

Mary Grace convinced her parents to buy her a sewing machine
Even though she could not sew at the time!
Slowly she began to learn her craft and as she did
The plans for a hair accessory business began to take shape…

Today, at age 15, Mary Grace has founded both
Reverse The Course LLC –
A company that sells headbands and hair accessories
To assist girls in under-developed communities attend school
and the
Reverse The Course Foundation –
Which provides funds for girls in Uganda, Kenya, Paraguay and Haiti
To attend schools by providing tuition, boarding, uniform and textbooks!

Uganda Message

I encourage you to visit Reverse The Course
And support this very worthy cause!

Read the full Mary Grace Story.
Learn why Reversing The Course is so important.
Donate to this worthy cause.
Purchase a Mother’s Day Gift!

In the contemporary words of Mary Grace:
You + Me = Change

In the immortal words of Gandhi:
Be the change you want to see in this world.

Book Review & Giveaway
Illusion by Frank Peretti
Open Thru April 28, 2012

Illusion by Frank Peretti

Did you know that Illusion is the first novel
I’ve reviewed at Create With Joy?
My husband is a huge Frank Peretti fan and
I wanted to surprise him with a chance to read
The first book “America’s hottest Christian novelist”
Has released in seven years!
Now you can have a chance to read it too…
Stop by and enter my giveaway!

Inspire Me Monday
Highlights From Week 14

Each week, it warms my heart to see Inspire Me Monday
Continue to grow flourish and flourish!
Thanks to all of you who took the time to inspire one anouther
With your comments and your creativity!
Here are a few highlights from the week…

Teresa at NanaHood
Essay: What Really Matters


What really matters most in life?
How will you be remembered when you are gone?
These are some of the questions that Teresa from Nanahood
Touches upon in her moving essay, What Really Matters…
I encourage each and every one of you to give this a read!

Brianne at This Is My Offering
Journaling: Gift Counting

Brianne - This Is My Offering - Gift Counting

Want to transform your life without spending a dime?
Start to list the things you’re thankful for
Each and every day!
Can you list a thousand?

Listing thankfulness is the process
Brianne writes about in Gift Counting!

Debbie at Easy Natural Food
Recipe: Carrot and Cardamom Soup with Coconut Milk

Easy Natural Food - Carrot and Cardamon Soup

Ready for something healthy – unusual – delicious?
Debbie’s recipe is it!
She’ll teach you everything you need to know about Cardamon.
You’ll appreciate her clear and concise instructions too!

Gail at Bible Love Notes
DIY Project: Kitchen Make-Under
Blogging: The Necessity Of Self-Education
Blogging: How Where And Why Of Image Use

Gail - Bible Love Notes - Kitchen Make Under

Gail at Bible Love Notes was on a roll this week.
She shared not once, not twice, but three times!
I love sky blue so her beautiful kitchen make-under
Immediately caught my eye…
But her blogging tips were too good not to pass on!

If you love these features – there are plenty more fabulous inspirations waiting to be unveiled! Talent is timeless. Be sure to visit my creative friends and delight in their contributions at Inspire Me Monday – Week 14!

Inspire Me Monday #15 – Week Of April 15, 2012

Inspire Me Monday

Now it’s time to share your inspirations! You can participate in our Creative Blog Hop in the following ways:

1) Share “What’s Inspiring You” by creating your own Inspire Me Monday post! You can include any creative challenges you’ve discovered – any books or quotes you love – any bloggers who have inspired you – anything that has inspired you and will inspire us too!

2) Share your creative projects with us! You’re welcome to link up your Arts & Crafts projects – your Recipes – your DIY, Home Décor and Organizational Ideas – your original Writing, Music & Photography – you get the idea!

3) Visit the participants – share some comment love – let them know what’s inspired you!

When you link up, be sure to include the Inspire Me Monday button and a link back to this post on all of your entries so that your readers can join the fun! The blog code is on the side bar if you need it!

Be sure to link directly to your Inspire Me Monday Posts and Creations using the permalink to the individual posts – not your blog’s home page URL – so that participants can easily find and comment on your creations!

The party will remain open all week so have fun sharing – inspire me with your comments – and please, use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!

For more creative inspiration, please join me on Pinterest!
I Appreciate +K in Creativity & Other Klout Topics

Want To Host Your Own Party?
Click Here To Get Started!

35 Responses to “Inspire Me Monday – Week 15”

Read below or add a comment...

  1. Ramona,
    Thank you for sharing so many inspiring stories each Monday.
    It’s the perfect way to begin the week!

    • Thanks Mary for stopping by – I always find your art and stories inspiring!
      I LOVE visiting and revisiting the links each week to find the features!

      Have a wonderful week! 🙂

  2. Hi Joy, I’m so excited that you featured my Carrot and Cardamom Soup! Thank you so much! This week I’m sharing my Tom Kha Gai Soup and Roasted Asparagus w/ Garlic and Ghee. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. Gail says:

    Thanks so much for featuring me this week and for your kind words. And thanks for hosting this link up. God Bless! Gail

  4. Donna Brown says:

    Wow – thank you so much for sharing such an inspirational story! I hope you have a wonderful week!

  5. Veronica says:

    Hi Joy. Thank you for having us all over and for the wonderful inspiration!


  6. wow, that story of Mary Grace really IS inspiring!

  7. Mary says:

    Good morning, dearest Ramona! Fantastic features this week! Loved reading about Mary Grace and her vision for helping other young girls who need it so desperately. What an amazing and selfless young woman! As always, thank you so much for hosting and sharing what inspires you! Your choices never fail to inspire me too! Have a blessed week! ~Mary

    • Thanks Mary – it is such a joy to come across people who are so inspiring you can’t wait to share their work with others! It’s amazing – this young girl has made more of an impact on our world than some people make their entire lives! Thank you also for your kind words. Your recipe was amazing this week! 🙂

  8. Sandie lee says:

    Thanks for the linky. I look forward to this every week =)

    Keep up the great work!

  9. April @ The 21st Century Housewife says:

    What a great collection of features, and I always look forward to being inspired by all the wonderful links! This week I have shared an incredibly easy, and very quick, Shrimp Primavera that is seasonal and delicious. Thank you for hosting.

  10. Jane says:

    Thank you so much for hosting! I am sharing my White Bean and Ham soup!

  11. brianne says:

    Thank you for hosting this community and for all these features here (including mine!) I am looking forward to checking out everyone’s posts as the day goes by. Five minutes here five minutes there, is how I make the time.

  12. Thanks for hosting! The Creative Corner Hop is open and will remain open all week. If you have something you would like to share, feel free to come by and link up.

    Cherished Handmade Treasures

  13. Evelyn says:

    Thank you so much for hosting. Great picks on your features this week.

  14. Bless you, Create with Joy, for giving “NanaHood” a shout out! I sooo appreciate it! I love visiting your blog and actually forgot to link up yesterday, so I’m doing so today. Please don’t be fooled by my GCB picture. I am NOT supporting that show but it did INSPIRE me to speak up about profanity and television.

    Thank you again!

  15. Very good post. Visiting to share with you again. Now following you on Pinterest. Have a nice day.

  16. Sarah says:

    Loved the first story about the young woman who created the non-profit business. It’s amazing when such young people are so inspiring! I am going to check out the headbands, I love giving gifts that “give back”!

    • Thank you so much, Sarah for stopping by and for sharing this on Pinterest! Mary Grace is truly an amazing young woman and I’m so excited to feature her at Create With Joy! 🙂


  1. […] Linking to: Fat Tuesday, Traditional Tuesdays, Real Food Wednesdays, Healthy 2day Wednesdays, Whole Food Wednesday, Allergy Free Wednesdays, Full Plate Thursdays, Simple Lives Thursday, Freaky Friday, Friday Food Flicks, Fresh Bites Friday, Meatless Mondays, Make Your Own Mondays, Monday Mania, Inspire Me Monday […]

  2. […] Linking to: Sunday Night Soup Night!, Make Your Own Mondays, Make Your Own Mondays, Monday Mania, Inspire Me Monday […]

  3. Inspire Me Monday: April 16th - Bunny badges | Book Bags and Cat Naps says:

    […] ‘Inspire Me Monday’ is a weekly creative blog hop run by The Paper Princess at Create with Joy.  The prompt question: What’s Inspiring You This Week? I’ll be the first to admit that […]

  4. […] Shared on: Addicted to Recipes , The Table Scaper , Flamingo Toes , I Heart Nap Time , A Pinch of Joy , Flour Me With Love , Make Ahead Meals For Busy Moms , The 21st Century Housewife , Create with Joy […]

  5. Inspired By Words | The Blog Farm - A Growing Blog Community says:

    […] Inspire Me Monday […]

  6. Creamy White Bean Soup with Ham | The Healthy Beehive says:

    […] is being shared with Manic Monday, Mix it Up Monday, Inspire Me Monday, Monday Mania, and Homestead Barn Hop. Like this post? Share it! facebook   twitter […]

  7. […] Wednesday, I am catching up with these pictures which were supposed to be blogged on Monday for the Inspire Me Monday and on Tuesday for my Decorating Cake Class […]

  8. […] Share you latest creations at Inspire Me Monday […]

  9. […] Tuesday, Mangia Mondays, Melt in your mouth Monday, My Meatless Mondays, Sunday School, Inspire Me Monday, Mix it up Monday, The Sweet Spot and Monday Mania. This entry was posted in Baking, […]

  10. Inspire Me Monday: April 16th - Bunny badgesTweedle Dee and Tweedle Dave says:

    […] 2012 ‘Inspire Me Monday’ is a weekly creative blog hop run by The Paper Princess at Create with Joy.  The prompt question: What’s Inspiring You This Week? I’ll be the first to admit that […]

  11. […] If you love these features – There are plenty more fabulous inspirations waiting to be unveiled! Talent is timeless. Be sure to visit my creative friends and Delight in their contributions at Inspire Me Monday – Week 15! […]

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