Wordless Wednesday – En Garde!

Tsunami - En Garde

Photo Of The Week
Tsunami – En Garde!

Thought For The Day
Always turn and look when your cat
Gazes behind you with that
Intent look in his eyes.
Some day there might actually
Be something there!

Wordless Wednesday – Aug 14, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photography buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographers along the way!

Please spread the word about this party by displaying our beautiful Wordless Wednesday button and linking back to this post (the code is on my sidebar!) It would also be great if you could use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!

Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

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64 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – En Garde!”

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  1. Erika @Musings From a Stay At Home Mom says:

    He’s soo sweet!

  2. Kristina says:

    Linked up some photos from a recent trip to the beach.

  3. Antonette says:

    I’m coming to steal Tsunami away from you! I’m in love with your kitty! 🙂

  4. Theresa says:

    I love coming here each week and seeing Tsunami. Such a beautiful cat!

  5. stevebethere says:

    Tsunami looks lovely in that photo 🙂

  6. It’s so fluffy I’m going to die! 🙂 I love fluffy cats

  7. Dawn says:

    As always: Beautiful.

  8. Mirjam says:

    Tsunami has lovely eyes. It almost looks like he is wearing make up! 😉

  9. Angela D. says:

    Beautiful kitty! Can’t let my oldest see this or she will definitely be asking for a cat again 😉

  10. Ah ha ha, I’m gonna getcha!

  11. Flora says:

    Tsunami on the watch! 😀

  12. Ai Sakura says:

    Great photo of Tsunami 🙂 happy WW!

  13. mel says:

    Aw- such a cutie!

  14. I am definitely going to be on my guard with such a beautiful kitty around.

  15. Go ahead, make my day…

  16. Amy says:

    Meow! Love my weekly dose of kitty cuteness.

  17. Paula J says:

    Always scares me when I’m alone and my cat does that. Sometimes I’m afraid to look!

    Happy WW!

  18. Tsunami is a doll! a doll I say!!

  19. Cafe au lait says:

    Tsunami is always looking so cute.

    I played too. Mine are here and here.

  20. Xmasdolly says:

    Are you sure you don’t call that kitty Sheba because she sure looks like the “Queen of Sheba” today laying up there on her thrown! lol Thanks for the reminder too! I need those now and then! lol

  21. natalie says:

    love your kittys fur :))) i think its even softer than my hair!

  22. always good to have a guard kitty!

  23. Ugochi says:

    Such a cutie Katie! Thanks for hosting, have great wordless Wednesday!

  24. I’m a fun of your pussy-cat too,
    still suffering withdrawal symptoms after the passing of my cat…
    love this cheerful colourful site

  25. Nicole says:

    Thanks so much for hosting– again. Love the kitty pic… will have to tell my little Seanzy so he can come say “hi”, he loves your cats.


  26. Bernice says:

    What a beautiful coat the cat has

  27. McGuffy's Reader says:

    Handsome guy there! Happy WW!

  28. Colby says:

    Looking good Tsunami! Great picture!

    Happy WW!

  29. Becca says:

    Thanks for hosting!

  30. Kate says:

    Tsunami is such a pretty cat, very photogenic!

  31. Jillzy says:

    He looks soooo soft! and sweet!

  32. Yvonne says:

    She is absolutely beautiful!

  33. Julia Gibson says:

    Thanks for hosting! Have a great week!


  34. Zee and Zoey says:

    One of my favorite quotes for one of my favorite cats, Tsunami!!

  35. Carrie says:

    This is my first visit to your site! There are so many things here I’d like to check out. I’m a novice photographer (it’s become my new passion) so I was thrilled to find this Wed linky! I look forward to returning often!

  36. Kia says:

    Lovely photo! Just look at those eyes 🙂 I hopped on your blog through the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! 🙂

  37. What a beauty! We often wonder what goes on in our kitties’ heads!

  38. At my house, if you see them all running the other way you know there is something back there … the trick is to decide if you are going to run with them or turn around and look 🙂
    Hope your Wordless Wednesday is Smiley …

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  39. Claudia says:

    I love your cats! They are soooo cute.

  40. Hi!
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  41. It depends on which cat is looking. I believe the other two, but Poppy can spend hours staring at hallucinations. She loves things that don’t exist.

  42. Melissa Ryan says:

    Just linking up and wanted to say hi and have a great day!


  43. Beautiful photo & beautiful words; thanks for hopping! 🙂

  44. Personally I think that look is saying…”what the heck is she doing now?”…:)JP

  45. Marlo says:

    Miss my grey cat that looked like this handsome guy. He’s beautiful.

  46. Camille says:

    When my cat would do that and I was home alone, I’d get creeped out!

    Beautiful pic. 🙂


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