Wordless Wednesday – Pumpkins

The Bellagio Pumpkins

Photo Of The Week
The Bellagio Pumpkins

Thought For The Day
From It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (1966)

Linus (to Sally as she walks away with everyone else:)
Hey, aren’t you going to stay to greet the Great Pumpkin?
It won’t be long now.
If the Great Pumpkin comes,
I’ll put in a good word for you!

(Realizes what he just said:)
Good grief!
I said “if”!
I meant, “when” he comes!
I’m doomed.

One little slip like that could cause
The Great Pumpkin to pass you by.

Oh, Great Pumpkin, where are you?

Wordless Wednesday – September 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photography buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographers along the way!

Please spread the word about this party by displaying our beautiful Wordless Wednesday button and linking back to this post (the code is on my sidebar!) It would also be great if you could use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!

Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

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62 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – Pumpkins”

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  1. Antonette says:

    My WW are pumpkins as well!

  2. Theresa says:

    That’s my favorite thing about this time of year- the pumpkins!

  3. stevebethere says:

    I love this time of year too and those colourful pumpkins 🙂

  4. Verena says:

    I love pumpkins! Great photo!

  5. hihi, i have also some pumpkins today 🙂 let´s have a party!

  6. alissa apel says:

    They are so pretty! I need to start making recipes with them.

  7. shari says:

    hello! feeling like the biggest ungeek. can’t seem to figure out how to put your buttons on my blog page and i don’t have the faintest idea about linking my post. can you help me? pretty please, with fireweed honey on it… thank you! i LOVE your blog! you inspire me! thanks for that too!

  8. Look at all those pumpkins! It is time for me to start having pumpkin soup again on Saturdays. Thanks for hosting and Happy WW!

  9. Summer says:

    Ah, I just bought a pumpkin to cook soup today! =) Nutritious!

  10. A sure sign of fall – pumpkins!!

  11. Lily @Militaryfamof8 says:

    I can’t wait to get ours!!

    Thanks for the linky, I have a linky on my Wordless Wednesday post as well…

    fill out your info here if you want your linkies on my future directory

  12. bettyl says:

    What a gorgeous collection of pumpkins! I miss orange ones–what they call ‘pumpkin’ here is gray!!

  13. Aussiepomm says:

    Love the composition of these pumpkins, and some are HUGE!!

    Mines up as well at AussiePomm – Holmenkollen

    Have a great day!!

  14. momto8blog says:

    happy fall!
    happy wednesday!

  15. Beautiful pumpkins! This looks like a painting from the 1600s.

  16. Emilee says:

    Beautiful! I love pumpkins!

  17. Great picture!!! I love pumpkins and fall!

  18. Sarah says:

    Beautiful! I love pumpkins.

  19. Linda Makiej Photography says:

    just great!

  20. Lovely pumpkin photos.. can’t wait to see all the decorated pumpkins this halloween.

  21. Jamie J says:

    Great pumpkin photo! I love all the different sizes.

  22. I am new to the Wordless Weds. I am so excited to get to know some of you. Thank you for having me.
    Patricia @thettdiaries.com

  23. Mimi says:

    Those are crazy huge pumpkins! I need to start getting things to decorate for fall. Hope you’re all settled in!

  24. Cafe au lait says:

    Sign of autumn. Great shot!

  25. natalie says:

    pumpkin soup!!! lol

  26. Sparkle says:

    What?! No Tsunami? No Legend? Pumpkins are boring if you are a kitty!

  27. We’re ready for pumpkins and fall!

  28. I need to photograph pumpkins. It seems I may have an older picture of pumpkins that I took while on vacation in ’97 to Bar Harbor, ME. But, those photos are locked on our failed drive & I need to get them pulled off our archives (external HD). Maybe this autumn I can snap a few pumpkin pictures. I’d really like that!

    It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown was one of my favorites as a kid. In fact, I have the Charlie Brown gang figurines (toys) my DH bought me from Target several years ago which I put up each October. It won’t be long now before I can do this. I just can’t believe how quickly the months are vanishing on us, can you?

    Thanks for hosting & allowing me to link up!

  29. Brenda says:

    what a great picture… for some reason whenever I see a picture like this I want to go jump into a pile of leaves!

  30. Rosey says:

    Those big ones are really, really big ones! It’s a nice Fall pic.

  31. Paula J says:

    Awesome pumpkins! And I LOVE the Peanuts! Although I’m the only one in my family that does 🙁

    Happy WW!

  32. Parent Club says:

    Beautiful pumpkin picture – so fall inspiring.

  33. Melissa Ryan says:

    I love the pumpkin time of year!

  34. Fresh Mommy Blog says:

    LOVE the fall pumpkins!!


  35. That is a beautiful photo of the pumpkins. That would be a great photo for my desktop.

  36. every year, I admire these pumpkins, they are so pretty and cute. I wish I could save them all year around, but oh well, that’s the magic that makes me appreciate it.

  37. I’m not ready for pumpkins … my summer just disappeared and now fall is happening too fast, then it’s winter … again. Where does the time go?? Beautiful picture and I love the dialog … Poor Linus, he’s doomed, again 🙁

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  38. What a great shot! Your pumpkin photo is fantastic…

  39. Great picture, really like the colors and how the Pumpkins show in this pic.
    We invite you to come and check out our Wordless Wednesday and we would love for you to linkup to our linky: http://www.craftyspices.com/others/blog-hops/wordless-wednesday-hop/112-wordless-wendsday-hop7-linky

    Happy Wednesday!


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