Happy WOYWW dear friends! This week I began working on the cover design for my 2013 Altered Planner. I chose Journey as my One Word for 2013, so I am creating a collage of themed words and images that are symbolically meaningful to me.
The design is a work in progress. I’ll be completing the cover as I find the right symbols to fill the spaces. It has quite a different feel to it than my 2012 Altered Planner. Discovery is part of the journey…
This week I had the pleasure of reviewing Art As Therapy – Inspiration, Innovation, and Ideas by Diane Steinbach, a regular Mixed Media contributor in my Inspire Me Monday column. I wanted to share this resource with you since it is filled with many fabulous ideas and exercises that so many of you would enjoy.
Most of you know that Tsunami is no ordinary cat. This week, I caught him in a particularly striking pose for Wordless Wednesday!
All right, it’s time to see what’s on your workspaces this week! Hope you are having a fabulous day and hope your 2013 is off to a great start!
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Happy WOYWW and congrats on the No.1 spot. Look forward to seeing your journal progress through the year. Ali x #40
Love your planner. I’m also making a planner using an old book.
Happy WOYWW!
Tuire xx
The planner is looking great – its so good to have fresh new year projects on the go isn’t it ! Ali #4
So glad you shared your journal for your one word. I love how t turned out. But oh your pensive? Quizzical? Disapproving? Cat! Striking indeed. Happy WOYWW,
MA (4)
Attention seeking – he would love nothing better than to have that huge head of his scratched! 🙂
I am loving the blue on your cover.
Happy WOYWW.
Tertia #17
i love that word, journey. i have an altered book in the making with that theme! your planner is looking good!
Thanks Peggy – be sure to share your book at Inspire Me Monday so I can get a looksie! 🙂
Congratulations on the number one spot:)
The early bird…..
#29 Silvia WOYWW
awesome looking altered planner. Are you going to share the word collages with us? Have a great week. Vickie @31
I hope too Vickie! You too! 🙂
Love the turned head on Tsunami, he looks like he is planning something!! 😉 Your planner is lovely and your chosen word would suit me for this year!!
What a lovely journal! I visited Paris last year and fell in love with the city!!! Thank you for sharing your desk with us!
Jeannie #60
It looks like Tsunami may be trying to figure out why what girl is walking on her hands. Fun! Nice job on the cover.
Great book and I love the cat! Such a poser!
Glenda #78
I love the pretty border at the right just lovely.. Great images..
Sandy 🙂 #15
I love that pose!! x Jo
love journal cover 🙂
Happy woyww TFS Mrs.C.xx #28
Cats rule. I am working on journals this year.
Love the journal cover! I need to get working on mine! Thanks for the inspiration!
love your planner, have a food week,
Robin #36
I LOVE LOVE your journal cover. Brilliant. And I just completed and independent study this past semester on Art Therapy. I assisted in teaching our local homeless art on a weekly basis and analyzing how the art helped them cope with their situation. HUGE success. 🙂
Thanks to you (and everyone) on your kind words re: my planner cover! Your art class for the homeless sounds AMAZING!
I would love to hear more about that – if you write about it, please share it with us at Inspire Me Monday!
Love your altered planner, my word for 2013 is “pray”..something I need to (focus) on Focus was word for 2012…lol Tsunami looks a little bewildered about the WOYWW excitement, maybe he didn’t realize that you got the #1 spot! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina 🙂
Love your word – that is something I can definitely use in the New Year too!
I love your journal cover and the idea of creating an inspiring journal, this may be something I will give some thought to.
This is my first blog hop for woyww
I love the journal cover. I have linked up today with my latest work of art.
Your planner cover is really pretty! Tamika #108
Hello! The planner looks amazing! What a great idea!
Apryl H #9
Tsunami looks like something very interesting has caught his eye! The journal cover is gorgeous, and what a lovely idea to have a word for the year. I’m going to think on that one.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #73
I am working on a planner altered from an old book too! I started destroying the pages a few months ago, and I’ve finished the covers, and now need to go in and add the months and papers to some of the pages for mixed-media art. How fun! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #104
Great word for 2013. I like Tsunami’s posed – it’s almost as if he knew you were going to take a picture of him.
April #133
Great word for 2013! I love your planner design. Im trying to figure out which kind of planner to use for this year… =)
Picking a planner for the new year is always such a challenge for me too – best of luck with that Melissa!
Your altered planner looks wonderful. I love that you are leaving space to add things from your journey. Great idea.
Your planner cover is looking good – journey is a terrific word to concentrate on too. I’ve been altering old planners for a completely different purpose recently – scroll down on my blog to see what I’ve been up to 🙂 Love the photo of Tsunami – perfectly posed and he looks beautiful. It might just go to his head but his name was an answer to a clue in the crossword yesterday :)) Thanks for sharing – as always I enjoyed reading your post. Elizabeth x #69
Looks amazing. Nice to connect.. I came over from Katherine’s Corner.. 🙂
Thanks Marla – delighted to meet you!
Thank you so much for sharing your altered journal on my Crafty Linky Party at Through My Creative Mind. Making one of these has been on my to do list for as we while, so maybe weekend I need to get going on that and cross it off!
Come back anytime!
Thanks Jen – I was delighted to discover you and your blog today! 🙂
Great journal you have there. Just mixing it up with you. #MTMmixer
I like your journal cover. You made me think about what word i would pick. Mine will be…Changes.
I adore your cat. xxxx
Changes – love it! You should share more about your word at our One Word 2013 Blog Hop! 🙂
Happy WOYWW! Love your planner–my one little word for this year is Joy.. Love your cat.. so adorable!
Michele #127
I guess it goes without saying that I think JOY is a FABULOUS word! I hope you will share more about your word at our One Word Blog Hop!
Thanks for popping in & linking up! Hope your having a great week Ramona.
Thanks Theresa – you too!
I never thought to decorate the cover of my planner!!! What a brilliant (and simple) idea. Thanks!!