Life’s A Pain by Todd Rettberg

Life's A Pain

Review Copy

Life’s A Pain – Book Review

If you suffer from pain of any kind – chronic, physical pain – heart-wrenching, emotional pain – deep-rooted spiritual pain – I’ve found a gem of a book I’d like to share with you.

The book is called Life’s A Pain – Journeying By Faith When Every Step Hurts and it’s written by Todd Rettberg – a pastor who has suffered from debilitating migraines all of his life.

In this book, Todd shares how chronic pain has impacted his life and addresses the types of challenges he has faced along the way – challenges that all of us who live with pain on a daily basis face. How many of these can you relate to?

  • Well-intentioned but totally uninformed advice from do-gooders.
  • Meaningless platitudes from the “I’ll pray for you” club.
  • Doctors and other naysayers who question whether your pain is real.
  • Feelings of loneliness and abandonment from your friends.
  • Questions about God and his goodness in the midst of your suffering.
  • Disappointment from having to cancel plans with friends and family.

His wife, Lisa, also shares what it’s like to live with someone who suffers from chronic pain, From her story, you’ll learn that chronic pain doesn’t just impact an individual, but a whole extended community of family and friends as well!

As a pastor, however, Todd not only relates to those who live with chronic pain – he helps us develop a context for our suffering. He helps us develop a theology for pain. When he asks, “Why do we suffer?’, he turns to the Bible for answers. As he looks to Jesus and those who have lived before us, he finds encouragement and offers us hope for our journey.

I recommend Life’s A Pain not only for those in need of encouragement during the painful moments of life, but also for those who want to learn effective ways to help those who suffer.

About Todd Rettberg

Todd Rettberg

Todd Rettberg has served as the Senior Pastor at Sierra Vista Community Church in Upland, California since 2000. In that role, he has had an intimate view of the pain and suffering that many Christians endure daily—often without any apparent rhyme or reason. His own acquaintance with severe, daily chronic pain since childhood has given him a unique compassion and understanding for those who struggle to reconcile their faith with their experience. He lives in Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. with his wife Lisa and three teenage boys; Joshua, Nathan, & Timothy.

For More Information:

  • Visit the Life’s A Pain website.
  • Visit Amazon.

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Book Crash

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher through the Book Crash book review program. I was not compensated or required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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3 Responses to “Life’s A Pain by Todd Rettberg”

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  1. Melissa B says:

    This sounds like a very interesting book with ideas on how to manage pain.


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