2014 Ultimate Blog Party

2014 Ultimate Blog Party

Welcome To The 2014 Ultimate Blog Party

Welcome to the 2014 Ultimate Blog Party at Create With Joy! This annual event is hosted by my friends Susan at Janice at 5 Minutes For Mom! The purpose of this party is to welcome and introduce friends, old and new, to my blog. I’m excited to welcome you for the 4th year in a row!

Welcome To Create With Joy!

Create With Joy

Welcome to Create With Joy – an inspirational blog filled with resources to help you lead a more passionate and creative life! My name is Ramona and I am the founder and visionary behind this blog!

I am passionate about many things, including celebrating creativity, helping others to ignite their creative spark, and building a community of kindred spirits through my blog. I love the Lord and aim to glorify Him in all that I do!

I’m delighted you’re here and I hope you’ll take the time to look around and make yourself at home!

Join Our Creative Communities & Parties

Each week, I invite kindred spirits from around the world to gather and inspire one another, encourage one another, and support one another in their creative endeavors through three fabulous gatherings:

Weekly Parties At Create With Joy

Inspire Me Monday – A place to share your creative projects – sharpen your creative vision – and showcase your creative talents!

Wordless Wednesday – A place to share your cherished memories and photographs!

Friendship Friday – A place to have fun and foster new friendships while growing your blog!

I blog about the things in life I’m passionate about – the things that make my heart sing.

Make Something Beautiful – Arts and Crafts

Hope Card with Smart-Fab

We all express our creativity in different ways. One of the things I enjoy sharing at Create With Joy is my love of paper crafting – whether it be through card-making, scrapbooking, mixed media projects, altered arts, artist trading cards, or art journaling! I also love sharing art challenges with my readers and participating on design teams from time to time!

You can view some of my creations on the Arts and Crafts page.

Expand Your World – Read Inspiring Books

I Always Buy Books When I Have Ten To Read

I have always loved to read and to share the books I love with my friends – so I’m thrilled to share the latest books with you through my blog! I review fiction and non-fiction in a variety of genres for major publishers, book tour companies, and independent authors. I share books for readers of all ages on my blog!

If you’re looking for a good book, I invite you to check out my latest Book Reviews and to follow me on GoodReads!

See The World Through The Eyes Of A Cat

Magellan At The Helm

I am the proud parent of a household of Maine Coon Cats! This year I’d like to introduce Magellan – the latest addition to our family!

Magellan is a 6-month old Maine Coon kitten who joined our household around Christmastime. To say he is our pride and joy would be an understatement. Magellan has brought so much love and life into our home – it’s like he’s always been a part of our family!

To learn about Magellan or my other Maine Coons, Legend and Tsunami, visit my Cats Page!

If you’re as passionate about pets and animals as I am, please connect with me at BlogPaws!

Make Something Delicious – Try A New Recipe

Heart-Shaped Frittatas - Create With Joy

There is nothing more special than sharing good food with the ones that we love. My family loves welcoming you into our home and sharing our favorite recipes with you! We also love experimenting with new food and products and creating new recipes whenever our schedule permits!

Stop by our Recipe Pages if you’re looking for something scrumptious to sample!

Enter A Giveaway – Read A Product Review

The Rhyme Bible Storybook For Toddlers

It’s always exciting to try new products and to share them with others when the opportunity arises! If you enjoy these opportunities, check my Sidebar for current opportunities and read my Reviews!

Keep In Touch

Keep In Touch

Thank you so much for stopping by today! This post serves as an introduction to who I am and what this blog is about – but trust me, there’s so much more to discover!

I’d really love the opportunity to stay in touch and to get to know you long after the party has ended!

First – could you please leave a comment so I’ll know that you stopped by? Be sure to leave your blog info too (when you sign in) so that I can easily find and visit you!

Next – could you please follow Create With Joy so you’ll know when something new and exciting is happening?

Finally – be sure to mark your calendars and join us each week for one or more of our exciting blog parties! We have one of the friendliest communities you’ll come across at Create With Joy – I’d love for you to be a part of it!

Have a wonderful week and enjoy the rest of the party. Here’s to the start (or renewal) of a beautiful friendship!

Copyright © 2014 by Create With Joy. All Rights Reserved.
If you see this content posted elsewhere, please contact the site owner.
Thank you for helping to prevent content theft!

54 Responses to “2014 Ultimate Blog Party”

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  1. My name is melanie. I am a mother of nine grown kids who writes columns and maintains two blogs
    http:// themotherofnine9.wordpress.com and
    Love your site.You have already featured one of my kid’s stories..Iggy the Bold Bunny

    • Thanks Melanie – congrats on being the first to visit this year!
      I love your site too and of course I know who you are.
      Who could forget Iggy the Bold Bunny?
      That remains one of my favorite Inspire Me Monday stories to date! 🙂

  2. I love seeing the world through your cats’ eyes! And I must try that heart-shaped frittata. Looks delicious!

    Hope you have a wonderful time at the Ultimate Blog Party 14!

    • Thanks Diana – I hope you have a fabulous party too!
      You MUST try that frittata – it turned out SO good!

      I LOVE it when the cats write. There posts are usually sheer joy!

  3. Bonnie Way says:

    I knew I recognized your name from somewhere around the blogosphere! I think I’ve bookmarked your blog linkies but I’m going to double-check and jump in again sometime soon. Glad to see you at the UBP! 🙂

  4. Ginny Marie says:

    So glad I discovered you this year at #UBP14! I’m looking forward to reading your blog! It was so nice to chat with you on Twitter. 🙂

    • Ginny Marie, it’s truly a pleasure to meet you – I enjoyed chatting with you tonight!
      You are one of several Chicken Soup bloggers I’ve now had the pleasure of connecting with through random encounters on social media!
      I look forward to getting to know you and to reading more of your stories in the future! 🙂

  5. Hi New friend!! Having fun meeting everyone at the party..
    I LOVE paper crafting and reading too..
    Can’t wait to share more in the future!!
    Tiffany @StuckonaCloud

  6. Kaye Swain says:

    Hi – how fun to meet you here as well as some of the other linky parties we’ve “met” at :). Your cat is so cute and I love your hand. I have a mobile app that lets me do something similar. Very fun. Have a great week!

  7. hi ramona

    Always love your blog so glad your now on bloglovin makes it easier to connect been following since I started blogging in june of last year. Just started art journaling will be checking out the art page more really getting into making over a comp book as we speak hope to finish this weekend so I can start using it. Frankie says hello to magellan so cute and lovable. Have a great weekend and zen hugs all around.

  8. Hi, I’m Deborah from Three Dawg Lady Designs and YES, I do have 3 dogs…I’m a 57 year old disabled woman who had to re-do her life after an accident. I love my blog as I get show what I create and meet so many wonderful people!

  9. Anna Hettick says:

    Hi there! Love your blog and what it stands for! 🙂 I’m following from #UBP14 and headed to follow you on social media! 🙂

  10. Carole says:

    We have quite a few things in common, reading, cooking, creating, and I will be looking around your blog!

  11. Maria says:

    I love your site and linking up at your blog parties! This time I am saying hello from the Ultimate Blog Party! Have a lovely weekend,


  12. No twitter. No pinterest. No instagram.
    But I have a blog “Catitude”. A cat named Quinn.
    And I now follow you on Bloglovin!

  13. Sam Schaefer says:

    I always enjoy coming to your site. It’s given me so much inspiration.

  14. Dee says:

    Hi–following from UBP14. I love to create in different ways, and I’ll be following on different social media. Dee from Meatloaf and Melodrama 🙂

  15. Hello, good to meet you! I’m following you from the UBP and look forward to seeing your posts here on Create with Joy.

  16. Love your crafty ideas. I will be checking out your blog more. We express our creativity by selling decorative Baby and Wedding Time Capsules.

    I am so excited about this Ultimate Blog Party 2014. This is my first time here. Check out our blog at http://www.timecapsule.com/author/admin/. We sell wholesale and retail decorative Baby and Wedding Time Capsules. These are great gifts for Baby or Wedding showers or as a product for blog reviews. We have great profit margins if you want to be a reseller. Check us out at http://www.timecapsule.com. Please like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheOriginalTimeCapsule

    Making Milestone Moments Count,

    Marcie Norton

  17. Dawn says:

    Still my favorite place to hang out and socialize… right here! Hugs, my friend… and to your little kitties too. OK, so only Magellan is still little but hugs all around! Partying with you at the upb14. Hey, I did not know you had a “cats” page! Checking it out. Ashley and Aurora say hello!

    • So good to see you at the party dear Dawn – sending hugs and kisses to sweet Ashley and Aurora!
      “Little” Magellan is pushing 11 pounds now!
      My shoulder is feeling the strain!

  18. Wynter says:

    Hi! So nice to meet you (stopping by from my first time at UBP14). I love your features and way to connect with other bloggers and look forward to following your posts!

  19. Hi so nice to meet you, I love the name of your blog. So important to create with joy! I look forward to coming back to read some more.

  20. Hi Ramona – just stopping by from the UBP14 – lovely to meet you. We have two cats in our house, we had them as kittens from the rescue centre. I have to say that life is a whole lot different with our cats now we have added two children into the mix! I’ll make a note to check out your linky parties.

    • Dear Clare,

      So nice to meet you – thanks for stopping by! How awesome that you’ve rescued two cats! Hope you’ll join us at our parties – would esp love to see photos of your kitties at one of our Wordless Wednesday parties! 🙂

  21. Terra Heck says:

    Such a pretty cat! I like the different memes/hops you have created. I used to scrapbook and make handmade cards years ago. Would love to get caught back up with it sometime. Stopping by via #UBP14.

  22. Lisa Cameron says:

    Stopping by from #UBP14. So nice to meet you and to learn all about you and your blog! I’ll definitely be checking out your recipe pages.

  23. Hello! Linking up from the #UBP14. This looks like a fun blog. I am trying to be more creative myself these days. If you are interested, check out our blog at http://reednewsletter.blogspot.com to learn about our lives and ministry. 🙂

  24. Hi Ramona – I’m stopping by from #UBP14. I am a newbie & its a lot of fun…. nice blog. I am a mom and I have my own business. Stop by my blog . & Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/spagl… if you get a chance. Have a great day!

  25. Zhenya says:

    Love the idea of a blog party! I am Zhenya a personal style and beauty blogger.

  26. Lizzie Lau says:

    I’m blog hopping with the #UBP14 I followed you on bloglovin.
    Have a great weekend!

  27. Robin says:

    Hi! Visiting you from the UBP! I love the sound of your blog! I have two blogs: my personal one (http://randomthoughtsfromadivamama.blogspot.com/) and my business one (http://robinsnestenterprises.blogspot.com/). I am a creative cat lover too! I used to have a Maine Coon many years ago. Now, I have two tabby brothers. I crochet and write and take pictures and dabble in lots of things, like scrapbooking, woodburning, painting, etc. I will have to come back and visit on one of your party days!

  28. Stephanie says:

    I’m so glad that I found your blog via the Ultimate Blog Party! I am really into most of your key topics, so will definitely be following your blog and you on several social media venues. My main blog is mostly about our lives as we homeschool and deal with Asperger’s, my Early-Onset Parkinson’s, and gluten intolerance, as well as our roadtrips, favorite books, etc. Please stop by when you get a chance at: http://stephanie-thejourney.blogspot.com/2014/04/2014-ultimate-blog-party.html Thanks! (I also have a genealogy blog.) I look forward to joining up on some of your parties in the future, too!

  29. Njkinny says:


    Love your blog. I have a blog too at Njkinny’s World of Books..

    -Njkinny @ Njkinny’s World of Books

    Sunday Feature &Hop

  30. Janet Reeves says:

    What a fun blog! I’ll look forward to stopping by often. Thank you for introducing yourself! Janet Reeves

  31. Dawn says:

    Spread some love all over the place for you. Love these hops and glad to see you again from the GYBparty and now here. We meet again. Love the cat and here coat is beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity to enter you giveaway.

  32. Carmen says:

    Stopping by from the UBP! Pleasure to meet you and look forward to getting to know you better.

  33. Karen says:

    I’m visiting from the UBP. Your blog is beautiful! I’m a new blogger and am so happy to meet you. I’d love to come by and join your parties each week. Thanks for the invitation! And, I’m always eager to learn from those who have great blogs.

    Magellan is gorgeous! I think cats are just the best pets ever. 🙂

  34. Lynelle says:

    Hi Ramona! I’m Lynelle from Flower Girl World coming to you via #UBP14! Thank you for doing such a great recap of the Google+ hangout on the chat last night. It really helped!

    You can find out more about me here at my party post:

    It’s so nice to meet you!

    • Hi Lynelle,

      Delighted to meet you and so glad you found my Google+ Hangout commentary helpful!
      That was my first time participating in a G+ hangout and I had so much fun!

      Look forward to visiting you and getting to know you long after the party is past! 🙂

  35. Hi Ramona – so nice to meet you at UBP14! We look forward to following your blog. Follow us on Pinterest for Recipes, Food & romance! http://bit.ly/1fXbopm

    • Terry – thank you so much for stopping by! It was my pleasure to meet you at last night’s Google Plus Hangout!
      Look forward to visiting and connecting with you after the party!

  36. Monica says:

    Hi! I LOVE that you have a page about cats! I have a Maine Coon cat too. I never knew that was her type until now. You learn something new everyday I guess! Her 7th birthday is coming up soon too. =) Happy UBP14!

  37. Tina says:

    Hey Ramona! So great to come across your blog via #UBP14. I’m a huge reader so I’ve already gone over to follow you on Goodreads. 🙂 I look forward to getting to know you better and exploring your reviews.
    Tina @ http://www.forjustsuchatime.blogspot.com

Thanks for visiting Create With Joy! Your comments are greatly appreciated!


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