Wordless Wednesday – Who Ate My Kitten?

PC Magellan - 12-29-13

Shortly After Arrival

Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!

Photos Of The Week
Who Ate My Kitten?

Quote Of The Week
As anyone who has ever been around a cat
For any length of time well knows,
Cats have enormous patience with the
Limitations of the human mind.

Cleveland Amory

Every morning when Magellan dives in bed to wake me,
And he lands on my body with a groan-inducing thud,
His heavy paw pads confirm what my eyes have already seen:

My kitten is growing by leaps and bounds!

My long, lanky boy is now enjoying the perks and freedom that
Membership in the big boy kitty club brings!

He now climbs to the highest shelves and cabinets in our homes and –
Like a teen – is looking for new ways to express his individuality!

Sometimes, however, he still wants the perks of being a little kitten!

One of Magellan’s favorite places to hang is in front of my computer.
He knows that I cannot resist petting him even in the midst of business.

As you can see, however, life on the ledge is getting more and more
Challenging for Magellan with each passing day!

PC Magellan - 4-14-14

Three Months Later

Who ate the adorable kitten that walked into my life a few months ago?
Who is the hulking wonder who is taking his place?

Ah… the mysteries of the universe, inside one’s own home!

Wordless Wednesday – Week of April 15, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

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55 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – Who Ate My Kitten?”

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  1. Feed Me Dearly says:

    Wow, and he’s growing so fast, too! It’s obvious he’s being taken great care of! 🙂

  2. Whoa..your kitty has certainly grown a lot!!

  3. stevebethere says:

    Heheh! How funny that he has placed himself in a virtually similar position and same place if that’s not cute my names Doris, he looks older in the face to me amazing how they change in a short space of time 😉

    Have a kittentastic week

    • Doris… Joy… you learn something new every day! 🙂

      Yes, I also thought it was amusing that he is virtually in the same pose three months later – except now when he lays there, he stops all progress because he hangs over and covers my keyboard! Sometimes he ends up hitting strange key combos that completely mess things up!

      Here’s an interesting fact: those are 2 different keyboards in the photo! When I first got Tsunami, he completely bit through my keyboard cord and I had to replace my keyboard – so the keyboard you see in the first photo is my replacement keyboard!

      My husband then patched up the cord with electrical tape and we kept it as a spare.

      When we got Magellan (Tsunami’s half-brother) – wouldn’t you know it – he did the same thing! He also bit through the chord and killed my second keyboard! (Sweet Legend NEVER did that!) So – the keyboard in the second photo is actually the ORIGINAL keyboard that Tsunami bit through – and it’s being propped up by a tape runner because my new keyboard had an ergonomic keyboard rest and I created a makeshift one until I get my replacement keyboard installed!

  4. Isabel says:

    Love cats, yours is specially pretty 🙂

  5. Magellan is so gorgeous. I love your before and after photo. It sounds like he’s enjoying his life. 🙂

  6. Angel says:

    Thanks for the party.

  7. Jennifer says:

    He’s a gorgeous boy 🙂

  8. Nan G says:

    Oh Magellan is soo so handsome! He is certainly grown in leaps and bounds. He looks so soft..I’d love to pick him up and love him…ooh the Girls wouldn’t be happy about that. Have a wonderful week. Hugs from all us Girls 🙂

  9. Angela says:

    I know what you mean…one moment they are cute and cuddly little kittens…and than all of a sudden they are grown. We call Bailey-Tank-because she is pretty thick (not fat at all). I know with Maine Coons they continue to put on some size for up to 3 years. Thanks for hosting, have a great day!

    • Tank – that is the perfect description! Legend was built that way! Tsunami was always long and stretchy.
      Magellan is long and lanky right now – but he also has some tank-like characteristics!

  10. Yes, he sure has grown and yet still likes that same spot. Did you have something to do with his placement ?? humm
    He his so cute !!

  11. Wow he really is growing! But still has that innocent kitten face 🙂

  12. Tammy says:

    We use to have a long haired cat called Ottis. He was so funny. We also had a dog and the cat would chase the dog!! I miss ole Ottis.

  13. Heather McD says:

    He is getting big but he is even more beautiful!

  14. FABBY says:

    Thank you so much for hosting dear friend. May you and yours have a wonderful Easter.

  15. ha ha! My daughter had a kitty who used to get inside a little basket as a kitten. Even when she was bigger, she would still try to get inside with much of her flopping over.
    I’m sure Magellan is a huge help with your computer work!

    • Not only does he interfere with the keyboard – whether by hanging his body over it or by running over it constantly during play and dropping toys in the middle of it – he loves to make sure I take long “cuddle breaks” during my busiest periods by coming and jumping in my arms!

      (Of course, there is always time for those!)

      As a kitten, however, he LOVED jumping on the shelf underneath my hutch and crawling up on the shelf so his head popped up between the keyboard shelf and my desk. You should have seen the expression on his face the first time he tried to do that and got STUCK because he wasn’t the svelte little kitten he used to be!

  16. He is growing into a handsome boy! Kittens like human kids grow way to fast!

  17. Mary Denman says:

    They grow up so fast! Your baby is getting big!:) Enjoy!

  18. XmasDolly says:

    Is that your kitten? Oh my gosh, it got sooooooooooo big soooooooooo fast! Wow! Thanks for sharing, and have a great day!

  19. HaHa… my Charlie still insists on sitting in the same places that he did when he was a kitten too, even though he no longer fits. Adorable!

  20. Kaye Swain says:

    Awwww, what a cute kitty. We’ve seen the same thing happen with a granddog or two. They’re all such a cuddly sweetness!

  21. Kittens have a way about growing up too fast. Don’t you just wish they would stay little longer? The same can be said about babies, too. Happy WW!

  22. Tea says:

    Your cat is so pretty.

  23. He looks very comfy!

  24. They really do grow so quickly!

  25. meowmeowmans says:

    I love this juxtaposition of photos. Just look how your sweet Magellan has grown! 🙂

  26. Kitties Blue says:

    Oh, they grow up way too fast! XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  27. Mary Hill says:

    Such a cute kitty. I have one too. He is grown now but still loves to act like my little kitten, playful and sweet.

  28. Ah, the joys of kittenhood.

    Was it only 4 years ago that I was one?

    Sneakers has grown a lot since coming into our home, last November, but at 7 months she still has the playful curiosity of youth.

    She loves laying across part of Daddy Kiril’s computer keyboard and watching the Mouse move across the screen.

    Good thing she’s not similarly distracted when she contributes her blog posts or she’d never get anything done!

    • Sneakers and Magellan are just about the same age! I think she is slightly ahead of him.

      Magellan likes to do those things too – but he especially likes to chase the cursor across the screen!

      As a kitten, this was sort of cute. Not so much anymore. I have a large screen and my bruiser of a boy is now so strong he almost toppled the whole thing over!

      By the way, we need to go on a shopping spree. Do you know that little destructo has virtually destroyed ALL of his cat toys?

      I might have to do a post about that one of these Wednesdays!

  29. Suzanne Lucas says:

    Based on the first photo, your kitty was a big one to start with. He must have some Maine Coon in him. He’s totally adorable!

  30. Donna says:

    Your kitten is growing by leaps, bounds, and apparently keyboards! So cute.

  31. Oh my goodness! He is so big now! I can’t believe it. Yeah, looks like he’s having issues fitting in that spot.

    I did read your comment on my blog last week, nicknaming Magellan Destructo cat. That is some serious destructo maneuvers with the washer and dryer. Hope there is no cat-tastrophe. Sorry…couldn’t resist. 😉 And I have never had a cat land in a plate of food. That is too, too funny! I know it probably was not at the time though.


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