Friendship Friday Blog Party & Social Media Boost 174

Friendship Friday

Welcome to Friendship Friday!

Friendship Friday at Create With Joy is a week-long event where you can:

  • Share what’s unique about your blog and spotlight your favorite features!
  • Expand your social media networks!
  • Foster friendships with other bloggers!

Each week, we invite you to:

  • Meet our Featured Friend Of The Week or enjoy our Spotlight Post!
  • Grow your Social Networks by participating in our rotating Social Media Boost.
  • Link your favorite posts, projects, giveaways and parties at Friendship Friday.
  • Visit your neighbors and make new friends!
  • Chat with us in the comments – we’d love to get to know you!
  • Follow Create With Joy and explore our blog for our latest creative features!
  • Check our sidebar and enter our latest Giveaways!

We’d appreciate it if you’d spread the word about Friendship Friday by adding our beautiful blog button to your blog/posts and spread the word on your social media sites so that others can join the fun!

We look forward to connecting with you on:

Instagram * Pinterest * Twitter * Facebook *
Google Plus * BlogLovin *
StumbleUpon * GoodReads * RSS * E-Mail

In The Spotlight

Welcome to In The Spotlight – a new column that features a linked post from the previous edition of Friendship Friday that caught our eye!


This week, The Baking Chocolatess asked us this riddle:

What’s red, white and blue and tastes like a dream?

The answer, of course, is her Star Spangled Yogurt Pie, which you can serve either Ice Box or Freezer Style!

This luscious dessert caught my eye because it’s not only beautifully presented and perfect for all of those upcoming patriotic holidays, but it looks like the perfect refreshing treat for a sweltering summer day!

Of course – once you visit The Baking Chocolatess – you can’t help but explore Kim’s luscious blog…

Thanks for partying with us each week at Friendship Friday! Be sure to leave a comment as we’d love to get to know you better!

We look forward to the opportunity to highlight you in an upcoming In The Spotlight or Friend Of The Week feature!

Video – Inspirational Video Of The Week

Social Media Boost Of The Week – Facebook

Welcome to our newest Friendship Friday Feature – The Social Media Boost Of The Week!
Each week, you’ll have the opportunity to grow a different social network. This week, we’re boosting our Facebook accounts!


To join the fun:

  • Please follow Create With Joy on Facebook!
  • Add the Facebook account link you’d like us to follow.
  • To help ensure that everyone who participates in the event benefits, be sure to follow the new accounts – and “like” something from accounts you are already following!

Thanks for joining us – we look forward to connecting with you!

IMPORTANT: ONLY Add FACEBOOK Links to this Social Media Boost list!
Add your Blog Posts to the Friendship Friday Link-Up (BELOW!)

Social Media Boost – FACEBOOK

Friendship Friday Blog Party

Friendship Friday

Welcome to the Friendship Friday Blog Party – the heart of our weekly gathering! You are invited to:

  • Share your favorite blog posts and projects throughout the week.
  • Share your favorite posts from the past.
  • Share links to giveaways, reviews and any parties that you host.

You may share as many features as you like!

Have fun connecting with one another – building friendships is what this community is all about!

Be sure to check the Sidebar for our latest Giveaways and leave a comment and let us know what you’re up to this week!

For more opportunities to Create and Connect, join us for Inspire Me Monday, Wordless Wednesday and The Book Nook at Create With Joy !

Join Us On

Copyright © 2015 by Create With Joy. All Rights Reserved.
If you see this content posted elsewhere, please contact the site owner.
Thank you for helping to prevent content theft!

38 Responses to “Friendship Friday Blog Party & Social Media Boost 174”

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  1. Thanks for the party, what a gorgeous pie!

  2. Thanks for hosting Ramona! Hope your having a great week!

  3. Sarah-Ann says:

    Thanks for hosting FF. I missed last week since we were away and couldn’t believe how much I missed it, LOL. I can’t wait to mingle and see all the wonderful links. Have a fun filled weekend.

  4. Ellen Pilch says:

    So many interesting looking blogs- I hope to find time to get to each one.

  5. meowmeowmans says:

    Thank you for hosting, Ramona!

    That yogurt pie looks delicious. WE’re going to have to try making one here, for sure. 🙂

    LOVE that video.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Ashleigh says:

    Thank you for hosting this great link up! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!! xx

  7. Thank you so much for putting my yogurt pie in the spotlight! I am very honored and happy! Thanks so much for hosting. It’s always a pleasure to party and see all the links. 🙂

  8. Mary Hill says:

    Great hop once again. With a lot of great bloggers linking up. Thanks for your faithfulness as a host. 😉

  9. Mary Denman says:

    Oh Ramona! I LOVE the video!! I lived in Thailand for a summer many years ago!!!

    I was up in the north living with the White Hmong. They were wonderful, generous people. I like the Thai a lot too!

    How in the world did you find that video???

    Have a good weekend!!

    • I wanted to share an inspiring video this weekend and searched until I found one! 🙂
      How cool that you lived in Thailand once upon a time – I’d love to hear what led you there and what you gained from the experience!
      Sounds like something to incorporate into one of your future books… 🙂

  10. Awww your Yogurt pie feature looks wonderful, I have pinned on my berry board!
    Thanks for hosting, hope you have great weekend!

  11. Tayrina says:

    Thanks for hosting and sharing! Blessings!!!

    Tayrina from TGAWrites
    Words of Comfort for your Heart

  12. MB says:

    Thanks for hosting! I’ll be sure the check out those Facebook pages 🙂

  13. Great fun link ups! So much inspiration can always be found on your site.Thanks for hosting the weekend fun, Ramona!

    Celebrate summer fun #FlashbackFriday

  14. Thanks for hosting! Each week we look forward to meeting new blogger friends. 🙂

  15. Paula J says:

    Hi Ramona! Thanks for hosting :))

  16. Claudia says:

    That pie really looks divine – mmmhmmm
    I’ve seen the video a few times on facebook – it is inspirational
    Have a great weekend! 🙂

  17. Thanks for another fabulous party, Ramona! Have a great weekend! 😀

  18. Great hosting & thanks for sharing. it is inspirational.


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