Wordless Wednesday – Dog Days Of Summer

Magellan & Tsunami - Dog Days Of Summer

Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!

Quote Of The Week

Who among us hasn’t envied a cat’s ability to
Ignore the cares of daily life and to relax completely?

Karen Brademyer

Magellan & Tsunami – Dog Days Of Summer

Happy Wordless Wednesday to you, dear friends –
I hope you are having a fabulous week!

I am currently under the weather and, as you can see –
When I rest, everybody takes a siesta!

Of course, Magellan and Tsunami like to conserve their energy in the heat.
They think these hot summer days are for the dogs!

Right now we are in the midst of the Dog Days Of Summer –
The hottest and most humid time of the year.
Have you ever wondered where that expression came from?

Since ancient times, the Greeks and the Romans have associated
The arrival of extreme hot temperatures with Sirius, the Dog Star.

They believed that Sirius aligned with the Sun and
Combined their energy to make our weather hotter than normal.

Ancient writers such as the Greek poet Hesiod and Homer in the Iliad
Even associated Sirius, the Dog Star with heat, fire, fevers and many evils!

(Sounds like a couple of cat lovers to us!)

Chat In The Comments

Do the sizzling days of summer energize or sap you?
Do you look forward to summer activities or summer cat naps?

Share your thoughts and stories in the comments!

Big Cat Rescue – Big Cat Popsicles

Wordless Wednesday – Week of August 11, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

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Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

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55 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – Dog Days Of Summer”

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  1. stevebethere says:

    Aren’t they cute together heheh! their becoming right little posers ain’t they 🙂

    The vid is quite interesting as most look at these big cats as just vicious but they still have a playfullish side too

    Have a tanfabulous week 🙂

  2. Hi Ramona, you dashed in quickly this week, so happy to have you stop by!! And since I am up at 2:00 Am Im popping by!!

    Thank you too for your bloggy friendship!!

    Hope you have a beautiful week!

  3. Linda B says:

    The heat zaps me and I love naps with my kitty boys. Yours are so cute together.

    I keep forgetting to add your button to my blog.

  4. Great pics and I love the knowledge. I did not know about the Dog star.

    Love my two favorite cats.

  5. LadyD says:

    It’s good to rest sometimes. Hope you feel better real soon. You’re a blessing to so many. Take good care of yourself, Ramona. Praying…

  6. Parent Club says:

    Looks like a good summer!

  7. meowmeowmans says:

    Magellan and Tsunami, you two are so handsome! It looks like you’re dealing with the heat the way we do here. 🙂

    Maybe we ALL need some popsicles! 🙂

    Hugs to you both, and to your mom, too.

  8. Awww! Cuteness overload!

  9. Looks like everyone is definitely conserving their energy on these hot days! Thanks for the linky!

  10. Awww get well soon! Its summer here but its been raining but I love rains!

  11. paula schuck says:

    We have yet to experience much heat here really!

  12. Mary Denman says:

    I hope you feel better Ramona!

    Those popsicles made me squirm…raw meat? At least the cats seemed to love them!

    Feel better!

  13. Gattina says:

    We enjoy the warm to hot weather and purr all together !

  14. XmasDolly says:

    Hello my friend, been kind of under the weather & off to hospital tomorrow for my shots. It’s just an overnight stay, but if you have any prayers laying around I’ll take them if you don’t mind. I need all the prayers I can get that these darn shots will work because I just cannot take this pain any longer. It’s a total bummer. Thank you and God Speed my friend. Lovin your cat video… too cute!!! 🙂

  15. Summer says:

    OMC, I love that video! I may need to use it for my Saturday Catinee!

  16. Some days a nap is the best way to pass the time when it’s too hot to wander outside.

  17. Kitties Blue says:

    Usually I just put ice cubes in the fountains and water dishes. Maybe I’ll start making cat sickles in a house cat size.I wonder what my kids would like?

    • I love the concept of the kitty Popsicles but when I saw HOW they were made all I could think of were those awful Survivor challenges!

      My cats like to play with ice cubes when they fall on the floor – they bat them around like hockey pucks!

  18. I can see that these two cuties love to have a siesta in the hot summer weather. Hope you’re soon feeling better. 🙂

  19. I’ll skip the Popsicles at that party 🙂

  20. Vicki says:

    Such cute cats!

    The heat, or should I say humidity, zaps me. And right now it’s very humid 🙁

  21. Emilie says:

    Hope you feel better soon! Your kitties look like they’re enjoying the down time. 🙂

  22. Robin says:

    It is so cute to see them laying together! They are really handsome mancats. It would be nice to be able to just lay around and nap as I please. 🙂

  23. Ahh to be a kitty:-) Bill and I once got up to ten cats as friends kept finding strays to give us before we had to say NO…It’s so hard. We are down to two kitties. We had one, then Hunter’s 16th birthday rolled around and he ws giventhe choice of iPad of kitten, he chose kitten (Yea!)

    Thanks again for the great Link Party – going to dive in now – can’t wait to see all the great posts!

    With a smile from Tampa FL Carlyn 🙂

  24. Adorable picture! I’m on the fence – sometimes I love the heat and other times I’m drained by it. It really depends on the day.

  25. Sorry to hear that you are under the weather, hope you get well soon.
    Magellan & Tsunami look lovely as ever resting. As for that saying, to be honest I had never heard it before. Now I know something new and with it’s background history.
    Take Care!

    • Thanks so much Jay! I’ve been resting most of the week and am finally starting to feel better (of course, now husband’s sick!)
      So you’ve never heard of the dog days of summer? Hopefully it will come in handy for you on trivia night sometime!

  26. Sometimes I do envy my cat for his ability to relax completely 🙂
    As for the heat, where I live Summer seems to be late. Lots of wind, clouds and even some rain. Hope the Summer gets here soon 🙂

  27. Ellen Pilch says:

    That big cat popsicle is great 🙂 I don’t like summer, especially now that I have hot flashes- I look forward to fall.

  28. Ramona, thank you so much for inviting me to link up at your Wednesday Wordless link up 🙂

    I love Summer… though the heat makes me do not wanna go outside and feel sleepy, but I do not wanna miss a moment we can spend with our daughters to play outside and go tent camping when we can in the end of this Summer because we spent most of the Summer in Indonesia.

  29. So sorry you’ve been under the weather. Hope you are back to yourself this week. Those kitties of yours must be a comfort. So sweet!

    Those big cats…such a treat, as usual. 🙂

  30. Susan Goldsmith says:

    I sure do miss my cats. They were more like dogs, following me every where.


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