Friendship Friday Blog Party & Social Media Boost 204

FF Christmas Greeting

Welcome To Friendship Friday!

Friendship Friday

Friendship Friday at Create With Joy is a week-long event where you can:

  • Share what’s unique about your blog and spotlight your favorite features!
  • Expand your social media networks!
  • Link your favorite posts, projects, giveaways and parties.
  • Foster friendships with other bloggers!

Please help Friendship Friday grow by adding our beautiful blog button to your blog/posts and spreading the word on your social media sites so that others can join the fun!

We look forward to connecting with you on:

Instagram * Pinterest * Twitter * Facebook *
Google Plus * BlogLovin *
StumbleUpon * GoodReads * RSS * E-Mail

Inspirational Uplifting Christmas Music – Enjoy!

Social Media Boost Of The Week – Facebook

Welcome to the Social Media Boost Of The Week! Each week, you’ll have the opportunity to grow a different social network. This week, we’re boosting Facebook!


To join the fun:

  • Please follow Create With Joy on Facebook!
  • Add the Facebook account link you’d like us to follow.
  • To help ensure that everyone who participates in the event benefits, be sure to follow new accounts – and “like” something from the accounts you are already following!

Thanks for joining us – we look forward to connecting with you!

IMPORTANT: ONLY Add Facebook Links to this Social Media Boost list!
Add your Blog Posts to the Friendship Friday Link-Up (BELOW!)

Social Media Boost – Facebook

Friendship Friday Blog Party

Friendship Friday

Welcome to the Friendship Friday Blog Party – the heart of our weekly gathering! You are invited to:

  • Share your favorite blog posts and projects throughout the week.
  • Share your favorite posts from the past.
  • Share links to giveaways, reviews and any parties that you host.

You may share as many features as you like!

Friendship Friday is the place to make new friends, to grow rich relationships, to explore new blogs, and to expand your social networks! Please take the time to connect with your best buddies as well as reach out to a few new friends each week – it makes your experience so much more rewarding!

Have fun connecting with one another – building friendships is what this community is all about!

Be sure to check the Sidebar for our latest Giveaways and leave a comment and let us know what you’re up to this week!

Copyright © 2015 by Create With Joy. All Rights Reserved.
If you see this content posted elsewhere, please contact the site owner.
Thank you for helping to prevent content theft!

9 Responses to “Friendship Friday Blog Party & Social Media Boost 204”

Read below or add a comment...

  1. Thank you for hosting, Im always late to this party, I think because I am asleep to early.
    Merry Christmas I hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. Nina says:

    Thank you for the beautiful Christmas music – Joyous and peaceful Christmas to you!

  3. Ashleigh says:

    Thank you for hosting, Merry Christmas!!

  4. I know that Christmas tree in opening picture of the video. We have had a Christmas dinner party in that building a couple of years ago 🙂

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  5. Thistle says:

    Thanks for hosting!!


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