The Book Nook At Create With Joy #17 Featuring Project Inspired

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Book Of The Month – Project Inspired by Nicole Weider

Project Inspired

Project Inspired – Tips And Tricks For Staying True To Who You Are – Book Review

Have you ever had the desire to mentor the young girls that God has placed in your life – to help them learn from the mistakes that you’ve made and to share the advice that could make a transformative difference in their lives?

If so, then I would advise you to read Project Inspired – Tips And Tricks For Staying True To Who You Are by Nicole Weider and then to share copies of this inspirational book with every young girl that you know!

Nicole Weider is a former model and actress who once dreamed of a high fashion modeling career and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame – until she learned that life in the entertainment industry wasn’t what she thought it would be. Instead of moving towards her childhood dreams, she soon found herself heading down a destructive path, until the loss of her beloved grandfather led her to re-evaluate her life and ultimately, to turn her life over to Jesus.

Today, Nicole is on a mission to help girls avoid the falling into some of the traps that she fell prey to – pressures that lead you to believe you must sacrifice your self-worth in order to get ahead or to be beautiful and popular.

She wrote Project Inspired – and founded a website with the same name – to empower young girls to stay true to themselves – to live the way God created them to be – to make a positive difference in the world – and to enjoy their teen years while standing firm in their faith.

Project Inspired is a glossy-paged book full of color photographs, inspiring stories, and practical tips that address all of the things that interest girls, including fashion, make-up, relationships and spiritual concerns!

Nicole Weider is a wonderful role model for young girls and for the women who want to make a difference in their lives – and Project Inspired is an inspirational book that you, your daughters, and the young girls you gift this book to will enjoy!

I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars.

Project Inspire is available on Amazon.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from Zonderkidz (Z Blog Squad) for review purposes. The opinions I’ve shared are entirely my own.

Video: Project Inspired (Why Nicole Weider Wrote This Book)

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The Book Nook At Create With Joy #17

Book Nook - Open All Month

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18 Responses to “The Book Nook At Create With Joy #17 Featuring Project Inspired”

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  1. Glad for the new month’s LINKS! Thanks for hosting, Ramona!

    • I’m so excited too about this month’s party Sharon – I think this is going to be an amazing Spring!

      I always enjoy visiting your blog to see the many events your are participating in and books you are reading Sharon!
      I love Dewey’s but am still waiting to see how the month is shaping up before I decide whether or not I am participating this year.

      Wish you all the best and would love to know: who else has signed up for the Dewey’s 24 hour read-a-thon?

      • Doing Michelle’s Spring into Horror at the mystery entry level 😉 not too scary for this reader !
        Then Dewey’s falls right at the end on this Saturday through to Sunday – so 2 birds with one [or more] book 🙂

        Thanks for cheering us on – we’ll look for you on twitter in case it works out…

  2. Michelle says:

    What book am I not looking forward to on my TBR? lol I would have to say the one that keeps sticking in my mind because I know a film is in development starring Leonard DiCaprio based on the book. The book is The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson, which I’m sure EVERYONE has already read but me. It has been on my TBR for AGES!

    Thank you for sharing about my Spring Read-a-Thon! I’ve got the Roots read along going on in April and May too. I added it to the linky. 🙂

    • I am SO excited that you are hosting the Roots Read-a-long in April and May!
      I am not sure if I will have the opportunity to join you but if there is any way I can I will.
      I will help you to promote it though – just tweeted it out for you!

      Believe it or not, The Devil In The White City is NEW to me – will have to check it out!

      Have an amazing month – do hope to join you at your readathon! 🙂

  3. Thanks for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday, and for hosting! Hope to see you link up again this week 🙂

  4. Thank you Ramona for stopping by #OMHGFF this week to share your post!!
    Wishing you a great week!

  5. Leslie says:

    I can’t wait to read Carry On, Mr. Bowditch with my children. I’ve never read it but heard it’s some of the finest children’s historical fiction out there. I’ve got the audio version on reserve now!

  6. Thanks so much for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday last week. I’m sorry I’m late getting around!

  7. Jeanne Grunert says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your blog with us on the #HomeMattersParty We appreciate it!

  8. Thanks for sharing with #LMMLinkup!

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