Wordless Wednesday – Magellan & Tsunami Review Wellness Core Cat Food

Magellan - Wellness Core - Feature Photo

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Wellness CORE Hearty Cuts Canned Cat Food Review

This morning, I was greeted – in bed, at the crack of dawn – by the loving and attentive purrs, chirps and meows of my two larger-than-life Maine Coon Cats. As I stumbled out of bed and they followed me around, rubbing against my leg and refusing to let me out of their sight for even a moment, I thought about how blessed I was to be the Mom of two such sweet and attentive boys.

Of course, the moment I headed towards the kitchen – doing my best not to trip over my underfoot boys as I climbed down the stairs – I began to suspect that their attention was not as selfless as I had initially thought as they jumped onto the kitchen table and stared pointedly into their empty food bowls (the ones that had been filled by yours truly just the night before)!

The Royal Taste Testers At Create With Joy Inspect Wellness Core Hearty Cuts

As the howls and yowls began to increase in volume and intensity, I could not help but wonder why they had not orchestrated a similar performance for their apparently tone-deaf Dad, who had planted himself on the living room sofa, just a few feet away.

Apparently, Mom-guilting is not an art form whose mastery is limited to toddlers and teens!

But, that’s a discussion we’ll tackle another day!

As luck would have it – or perhaps, as my cabinet-prowling kitties are well aware – today is the day for them to serve as Royal Taste Testers for Chewy.com and share their thoughts on the newest product to hit the shelves – Wellness CORE Hearty Cuts Canned Food – and they aren’t about to let me forget it!

Tsunami - Wellness Core Hearty Cuts - Feature Photo 2

Tsunami and Magellan are HUGE fans of Wellness foods – they have loved every single product they’ve tried from Wellness – but this particular line of cat food is special. This particular Wellness product line includes several formulations and flavors including Wellness CORE Hearty Cuts In Gravy Indoor Shredded Chicken & Turkey Recipe Canned Food, which is specifically designed for Indoor Cats!

What’s wonderful about this product is that it’s low in calories (perfect for less-active indoor cats like Tsunami!) – is grain-free and filled with large chunks of chicken and turkey surrounded by a hearty gravy your cats will love. What’s equally important is what it lacks – unhealthy wheat, corn, soy fillers, artificial preservatives, colors and flavors. The formulation also contains super foods like carrots and spinach to provide essential nutrients to keep your cat healthy and happy.

The Wellness CORE Grain-Free Hearty Cuts comes in large 5.5 ounce cans so there is plenty of food in each can to go around in multi-cat homes!

Tsunami - Wellness Core Hearty Cuts - Feature Photo

While both boys enjoyed sampling Wellness CORE Grain-Free Hearty Cuts, it is really Tsunami, my older and less active cat, who devoured this food. I could not be more pleased, since Tsunami is the cat who loves to eat but hates to move – in other words, the cat that this food was made for!

Perhaps Wellness CORE Grain-Free Hearty Cuts is the first step to helping Tsunami shape up for summer?

Chewy Blog Hop

Disclosure: Magellan and Tsunami are #ChewyInfluencers who received a free sample of food from Chewy.com for review purposes. We are also customers of Chewy.com and think they’re fabulous! The opinions we’ve expressed in this review are entirely our own. We share them because we believe they will interest you, our pet-loving friends!

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Wordless Wednesday – Week of May 24, 2016

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37 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – Magellan & Tsunami Review Wellness Core Cat Food”

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  1. You have the best fed cats in the world!

    • Thanks Teresa – don’t I though?
      I was thinking, for all of the carrying on those boys do some days, I certainly don’t see any bones on those boys!
      Have a great week!

  2. Our Pepsi has finally allowed us to change his diet. He was such a fussy eater when he came to us, I think he still is we’ve just found a happy medium.

  3. I love reading stories about your beautiful cats. It looks like they love their new food.

  4. Oh my goodness, smorgasbord, looks like he is in the food for a while!!
    Thanks for stopping by this week!
    And for the party!!
    Have a great week!

  5. Keith's Ramblings says:

    They are better fed than me!

    Visit Keith’s Ramblings

  6. stevebethere says:

    They look like they were lapping it up heheh!

    Have a meowtastic week 🙂

  7. They are so gorgeous! I am glad they liked the healthy food.

  8. Ellen Pilch says:

    Glad it was a hit. I have a lot of older inactive cats, I will have to get some.

  9. Marie Moody says:

    I don’t know sqwat about cat food, but I know a happy cat when I see one. Now tell me is that kitty a bit spoiled???? ~snicker-snicker~ hehehehe

  10. Piranha Banana says:

    Very cool! I always try to get new foods – but the seem to feed me the same and often!


  11. claire says:

    Aww, lovely pictures 🙂

  12. That food seems really yummy!

  13. They are smart cats. They know that your food dish is the best.

  14. Athena says:

    Looks tasty!

    Purrs xx

  15. Peyton says:

    Thanks for the information. I didn’t know that there were foods developed for indoor cats. Really does make sense.

    I happened to be the one also who gets to sit and watch as my wife feeds the cats. I just wanted to say that this is a hard job. I must make sure she gets it right. It is too bad that I am not qualified to do the feeding.

    • Thanks for making me LOL Peyton – now that you have mastered the fine art of sitting on your behind and watching your wife day in and day out do all of the heavy lifting – I encourage you to live a little and give her a hand! 🙂

      Your cats and your wife will thank you! 🙂

  16. Star Traci says:

    Our cats have always been inside cats. We’re cuddles by nature.
    Those look like very happy kitties!

  17. Robin says:

    Wellness makes some great cat foods! Manna has liked all of the Wellness products that she has tried. It looks like Magellan and Tsunami really love this food!

  18. Awww they really are so into it!

  19. Shadow says:

    Hehe. Actually at my house I always get wet food in the morning with breakfast, and I must ask him for the food. It’s a little curious, because I watch as she gets the food ready, but he feeds me so ultimately I never know who to beg for the food from. It would be nice to always know who’s feet to go beg at. MOL!

  20. I feel very hungry at once, Tsunami 😀 Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday 🙂 <3

  21. We have some of this food to try out. We’re also fans of Wellness and look forward to checking out this food.

  22. I wonder if it is good for our senior boy. He loves high protein foods and has expensive tatses MOL! May be I can try some when it arrives here in NZ.

  23. Jean Dion says:

    Very cool! Anything with gravy is bound to be a hit with my picky-pickies.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  24. PJ says:

    I have to disagree Wellness is one of the worst canned cat foods out there, they put carrageenan in there food 14th ingredient before some of the food items. It is a very bad ingredient to put in to animal food, it is a cheap filler. It causes inflammation and cancer. Sadly, it is in all pet foods but some of the Mfg. list it at the very bottom of the ingredients so there is not as much in the food. There was so much in the core canned indoor food I had to wash it off before I would give it to my cat, it is a yellowish slim all around the outside of the food. I just lost my cat and I do believe it had something to do with it. Sadly, I found out to late about the carrageenan being so bad. Check it out for yourself.

    • PJ, I’m SO sorry that you lost your precious cat. Thank you for making us aware of the carrageenan issue.
      I did a scan of several brands and you’re right – it is a very common filler in cat foods and something we should all research and be aware of.

      I hope that when the time is right, you are able to find another feline companion to bless your days! (big hugs)

  25. PJ says:

    Sorry, you did post it, I am glad!!! It must take a while.



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