Friendship Friday Blog Party & Social Media Boost 231

Friendship Friday

Welcome to Friendship Friday!

Friendship Friday at Create With Joy is a week-long event where you can:

  • Share what’s unique about your blog and spotlight your favorite features!
  • Expand your social media networks!
  • Foster friendships with other bloggers!

Each week, we invite you to:

  • Meet our Featured Friend Of The Week and enjoy our Spotlight Post!
  • Grow your Social Networks by participating in our rotating Social Media Boost.
  • Link your favorite posts, projects, giveaways and parties at Friendship Friday.
  • Visit your neighbors and make new friends!
  • Chat with us in the comments – we’d love to get to know you!
  • Follow Create With Joy and explore our blog for our latest creative features!
  • Check our sidebar and enter our latest Giveaways!

We’d appreciate it if you’d spread the word about Friendship Friday by adding our beautiful blog button to your blog/posts and spread the word on your social media sites so that others can join the fun!

We look forward to connecting with you on:

Instagram * Pinterest * Twitter * Facebook *
Google Plus * BlogLovin *
StumbleUpon * GoodReads * RSS * E-Mail

Friend Of The Week – Shelly


Everybody loves a good story. What makes Friendship Friday so special is that it’s a place to pause and connect – a place to get to know one another and build community – a place to get to know the people behind the blogs.

Friendship Friday is a place to share your stories and touch each other’s lives!

Last week, Patty’s story of how she returned to blogging after a prolonged absence resonated with another blogger who is on that same journey. This week, I’d like to introduce you to Shelly at There’s No Place Like Home – a homeschooling mom of eight whose journey is best told in her own words!

Shelly writes:

Like Patti, I also recently started blogging again after a two year break, although I had only been blogging for a few months in the first place. During the time I wasn’t blogging, I really started to miss writing and having a place where I could write down my many, many thoughts and having the opportunity of other people weighing in on them.

A few months ago, I noticed that people were still following my blog (actually I gained about 100 followers when I wasn’t even writing!) and linking to it, so I thought, “Why not?” I started writing again on 3/28 and it’s been an amazing ride.

I’ve become a blog contributor on another website and next week am guest posting on another. I’ve had so much fun, in fact, that I’ve started neglecting the homeschooling book I’m writing, so I really need to find a nice balance!

Comments mean the world to bloggers. Won’t you brighten Shelly’s day by dropping by her blog and congratulating her for being our Friend of the Week at Create With Joy?

Now It’s Your Turn To Share!

Let's Chat

Question Of The Week:
Goodbye June – Hello July – Happy 4th to you!
What are your plans for the weekend?

Please share your thoughts in the comments –
Inquiring minds would love to know!

We’d Love To Feature You!

We’d love the opportunity to get to know you better!
Please introduce yourself in the comments and
Tell us a little about yourself, your blog, and the story behind it.
Each week, we’ll select a blogger to feature as our Friend Of The Week!

Be sure to link to us and spread the love
By sharing our Friendship Friday party with all of your friends!

Remember – building community and developing friendships
Is what Friendship Friday is all about!

Check Out Our Exciting Giveaways!


Be sure to check the sidebar to see what current goodies are up for grabs!

Social Media Boost Of The Week – Instagram

Welcome to the Social Media Boost Of The Week! Each week, you’ll have the opportunity to grow a different social network. This week, we’re boosting Instagram!

Instagram Icon

To join the fun:

  • Please follow Create With Joy on Instagram!
  • Add the Instagram account link you’d like us to follow.
  • To help ensure that everyone who participates in the event benefits, please be sure to follow and like a few of the accounts on the list!

Thanks for joining us – we look forward to connecting with you!

IMPORTANT: ONLY Add INSTAGRAM Links to this Social Media Boost list!
Add your Blog Posts to the Friendship Friday Link-Up (BELOW!)

Social Media Boost – Instagram

Friendship Friday Blog Party

Friendship Friday

Welcome to the Friendship Friday Blog Party – the heart of our weekly gathering! You are invited to:

  • Share your favorite blog posts and projects throughout the week.
  • Share your favorite posts from the past.
  • Share links to giveaways, reviews and any parties that you host.

You may share as many features as you like!

Friendship Friday is the place to make new friends, to grow rich relationships, to explore new blogs, and to expand your social networks! Please take the time to connect with your best buddies as well as reach out to a few new friends each week – it makes your experience so much more rewarding!

Have fun connecting with one another – building friendships is what this community is all about!

Be sure to check the Sidebar for our latest Giveaways and leave a comment and let us know what you’re up to this week!

Copyright © 2016 by Create With Joy. All Rights Reserved.
If you see this content posted elsewhere, please contact the site owner.
Thank you for helping to prevent content theft!

22 Responses to “Friendship Friday Blog Party & Social Media Boost 231”

Read below or add a comment...

  1. Shelly says:

    Thank you so much for featuring me! I’m honored. I also want to thank you for all the amazing linkups you faithfully host every week. You’re awesome. 🙂

  2. We will probably do some sort of BBQ, and we have the best set in the house for watching fireworks all over Las Vegas!!! Hope you have something fun planned, have a safe 4th of July!

    • Sounds like a plan Karren!
      I am looking forward to some major R & R this weekend –
      culminating with a BBQ and fireworks display virtually in my own back yard! 🙂

  3. We are headed up to our lake house in Vermont, hope you have a lovely holiday weekend!

  4. Thank you for hosting this link up! I hope you have a good weekend and a happy 4th of July!

  5. Congrats to Shelly for being Friend of the Week! Thanks for hosting! So cool we both got a chance to review the book, Unashamed. Hope you have a wonderful weekend 🙂

  6. Patti says:

    After several weekends crammed full of activity, I am looking forward to a fairly low-key 4th of July weekend. We’ll be helping a gal from church move into a new house on Saturday, but I’m hoping Sunday and Monday find me sipping iced tea in the sun and reading a book or two.

    Happy 4th!

    Patti @ Embracing Home

  7. Thanks for hosting Ramona!
    Happy 4th!!

  8. Melissa says:

    Thanks for hosting! =)

    I hope that I get the chance to watch a big Fireworks Display in our city this weekend!

    I hope you have a safe and fun Holiday weekend.

  9. LuAnn Braley says:

    Our small town is having fireworks tonight, so we’re going to go see that. They put on a good show for a small place. Other than that, I plan on sitting in front of the a/c. I don’t deal well with humid scorching temps.

  10. Pam says:

    Hoping to BBQ his weekend and spend time with family. P.S. I’d love to be Friend of the Week! I’ve re-started my blog again (and changed the look!), after a little absence. I started my blog in 2011, and the encouragement came from my daughter. When I’m not blogging regularly, I miss it!

  11. Thistle says:

    Thanks so much for hosting!!

  12. Nina says:

    Happy weekend greetings from Denmark!
    And thank you for this Friday link-up party 🙂
    Nina xx

  13. Thanks so much for hosting!


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