Wordless Wednesday – September Is Healthy Cat Month!


Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!

September Is Healthy Cat Month

September is Healthy Cat Month – so what better time is there than now than to celebrate the special bond that you share with the special cat in your life? This Wordless Wednesday, I invite you to grab your camera, to snap a photo of you and your favorite feline, and to immortalize it in a Meow Masterpiece – I’ll show you how to do that in a moment!

For my shot, I photographed Magellan enjoying an intimate moment with his Dad after he’d been gone for what Magellan considered way too long a time!

But first, let’s kick off the fun by sharing some of the results from the Purrfect Together Survey – a survey conducted by the cat-loving folks at Meow Mix to see what cat parents from all around the country had to say about the special bond they share with their precious kitties!


First things first – according to those surveyed, 83% of cats love taking naps with their humans! Now I’m sure that those of you who have seen my bed-hogging cats and have experienced this phenomenon for yourself are vigorously nodding your head, but a few of you are probably puzzled. Who are the 17% of deprived humans who don’t get to experience the joy of napping with their cats – and what do they need to do to turn those numbers around?


Next, just as mothers are conditioned to understand their baby’s cries, pet parents are programmed to understand their cat’s caterwauls – and trust me, cats are determined to cry, wail and carry on until even the slowest among us understand their needs! Even though Maine Coons fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum when it comes to verbal communication – many are known for their sweet trills – some Coons like Tsunami make no qualms about making their needs know, whether it’s cat treats, cat nip, or just a snuggle partner!


Finally, nothing makes a cat happier than receiving a spontaneous, unexpected treat from the person who they love the most! Magellan is particularly treat-oriented – he loves to snack in-between meals – while nothing makes Tsunami happier than being fed out of the palm of my hand!

Did you know that 55% of cats love chicken-flavored treats? Hands down, all things chicken are the favorite of my beloved Tsunami!

Now for some exciting news? Meow Mix just released a brand new culinary-inspired food made with real chicken or salmon called Bistro Recipes – a classy meal for a classy kitty! You can even download a coupon for $2.50 off any bag of their Meow Mix Bistro Recipes when you visit!

And here’s the best part! Meow Mix has also created the Purrfect Together Portal, where you can convert the digital photo of you and your cat into a Meowsterpiece – a digital “oil” painting that helps you express and immortalize your cat-love on canvas!

Once you select the right look and feel with the art style and frame, you can download, share, and even order a print to hang on your wall!

Here’s the Meowsterpiece I created from my original photo – what do you think?


Be sure to share your feline photos and Meowsterpieces with us at Wordless Wednesday – and be sure to share your art on social media using the hashtag #PurrfectTogether!

Disclosure: Magellan and Tsunami received a Bistro Bundle as thanks for participating in this Meow Mix campaign.

Chat In The Comments

How do your cats stack up against these stats?
Please share your thoughts in the comments!

Wordless Wednesday – Week of September 20, 2016

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photography buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographers along the way!

Please spread the word about this party by displaying our beautiful Wordless Wednesday button and linking back to this post (the code is on my sidebar!) It would also be great if you could use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!

Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

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31 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – September Is Healthy Cat Month!”

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  1. stevebethere says:

    Nice post those photos are adorable 🙂

    Thanks for hosting have a tanfabulous week 🙂

  2. Very much loved cat. Unconditional love is incredible yo have.

  3. I know your cats have to be healthy because you take such good care of them!

  4. This was a wonderful blog post! I enjoyed all the statistics and your hubby with kitty. The black and white also turned out nice. Thanks for hosting and God bless!

  5. Nothing better than to surprise kitty with treats and toys with Catnip!
    Thanks for hosting, have a wonderful day!

  6. Emily says:

    Love the meowsterpiece! So cute.

  7. Peyton says:

    We have 3 cats and my daughter has 2. My wife has to start her nap first or there is no room on the bed.

  8. Joyce Lansky says:

    Nighty night kitties.

  9. Marie Moody says:

    My Baby takes a nap with me too… Baby is my black lab and she will be 15 October 27th. Do you think Magellan would like to come to the birthday party hmmmm? ~snicker~ Well, we’ll see! Have a great week my friend! hugs

  10. meowmeowmans says:

    Such a sweet picture of Magellan and his dad! And your meowsterpiece is, well, meowgnificent! 🙂

    Happy Healthy Cat Month, and thank you for hosting, as always.


  11. My kitty loves to snuggle at night! And sometimes tickle my face with his whiskers…

  12. Summer says:

    We are all happy and healthy here!

  13. When I see this all, I know I am a healthy cat 🙂 We love your masterpiece, Magallan and the picture with your Paw. Love is all surrounding you, first requirement for your health <3 Extra Pawkisses for this special month 🙂 <3

  14. Molly says:

    Great post. I love my cats, they are utterly bonkers but rather adorable


  15. Kitties Blue says:

    Salmon and chicken are favorites in our house. We will have to try the food and check out the site to make our meowsterpieces. Mom understands most of us and what we want. Some of us do not talk much, however. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  16. What a sweet post, it’s easy to see the love! 🙂

  17. Very interesting facts. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Piranha Banana says:

    Love the photos especially of Magellan cuddling with his dad. As a therapy dog myself and there are also therapy cats out there – did you know that petting your dog/cat releases ‘feel good’ chemicals in your body which help lower your blood pressure (if high), relaxes you, increases your serotonin levels and creates the natural chemical in your body to help you heal? Also creates ‘feel good’ chemicals in your dog/cat. That is why therapy dogs/cats are brought into nursing homes, hospitals, schools (for kids to read to), disaster relief and now airports. They are also bringing them to high schools and colleges so that kids about to test do better on their tests when they have a therapy dog around. This is probably more information that you needed to know. But when Magellan’s dad was petting him, it was creating the ‘good’ chemicals in both of them. 🙂

    • Thank you for sharing this information Piranha Banana – I will share this with my husband as well!
      While you often read about the benefits of therapy animal work for humans, it’s rare that you hear about the benefits of human contact for the animals themselves! My husband is often gone long hours and while I am here with the boys – every Maine Coon we have had has been what my husband calls a “pack animal” who pines in his absence. While Tsunami has adjusted to this over time, Magellan (who is still in his developmental years in Maine Coon time) still very much craves his presence and – as you can see – needs his “comfort” time with Dad after a prolonged absence!

      Kudos to you for the wonderful work that you do! 🙂

  19. Robin says:

    I love spending time with my kitties! There is nothing like a purring kitty in my lap. 🙂 My cats are big fans of treats just like your Magellan.

  20. Janice says:

    It’s been forever since I linked up (or blogged, for that matter)!
    Happy Healthy Cat Month!
    Your cat pics always put a smile to my face.
    Thanks for sharing your cats and for hosting the linky!

  21. I love your cat post!! I have four of them and I enjoy reading and seeing others. Thanks for hosting the party! Great ideas here!

  22. We love your Meowsterpiece – its perfect. Aren’t the MeowMix people lovely eh? Treats YUM!

  23. Love the picture of Magellan and dad 🙂 Great job!

  24. My cats were excellent nap mates!

  25. Terrific review and lovely drawing! You’re very good. Cheers from kidcandoodle


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