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Fancy Feast Classic Pate #ChewyInfluencer Review
Like clockwork, the Royal Taste Testers at Create With Joy followed me closer than my shadow as I tried to go about my morning routine, knocking things off of my shelves and meowing loudly to remind me that it was time to serve them a breakfast that was fit for feline royalty!
So, I perused the shelves of my kitchen pantry (which seem to be filled with more cat food than people food these days) and decided my fancy cats deserved some fancy food to kick off their day!
I decided to surprise Tsunami and Magellan with a fancy feast – specifically, Fancy Feast Classic Poultry & Beef Feast Variety Pack Canned Cat Food, which comes in a case of 24 cans, 3-ounces each. This gourmet pate meal is made in the US and contains three flavors:
- Classic Tender Beef Feast
- Classic Chicken Feast
- Classic Turkey & Giblets Feast
According to Purina, Fancy Feast provides complete and balanced nutrition for the growth and maintenance of cats, is super palatable with great taste and texture, contains high quality nutrition and ingredients, and is a great way to add moisture to your cat’s diet.
Magellan was eager to see what was inside of the Fancy Feast box and dug right in! He had a hard time choosing which dish to sample first but – when put to the test – he chose Classic Turkey & Giblets for him and Tsunami to feast upon!
Once the Royal Taste Testers had spoken, their handmaiden prepared their fancy feast – but what ensued next was not princely behavior!
Two plates were served – but even though the Royal Taste Testers did not take their eyes off of me during the entire meal preparation process, Magellan decided that the food I had placed before Tsunami was more appealing than the food I had placed before him! In a classic play for power, Magellan tried to take over Tsunami’s plate and partake in his meal!
Of course, considering that Tsunami had waited all morning for his Fancy Feast to be served, he was not in a sharing mood and was having none of his brother’s antics!
So, Magellan refused to eat his meal – that is, until Tsunami finished his breakfast and Magellan’s plate was moved to the middle of the table, where Tsunami had full access to it.
Then – as soon as Tsnami began to feast upon “second breakfast” – Magellan decided his meal had passed the royal inspection and he was ready for his personal Fancy Feast! You can see from Tsunami’s expression exactly what he though of his brother’s boorish behavior. Photos really do speak a thousand words!
Of course, there are two sides to every story…
Regardless, both Tsunami and Magellan enjoyed their Fancy Feast – even if their breakfast experience turned out to be a little less than conventional!
Disclosure: Magellan and Tsunami received a free sample of this product from Chewy as members of the #ChewyInfluencer Network. The opinions we’ve shared reflect our personal experience with this product. We are also Chewy.com Autoship customers and we highly recommend their service to you!
Chat In The Comments
Are you and your pets “sharers” –
Or do you get testy when others want to eat off of your plate?
Please share your stories in the comments –
Inquiring minds would love to know!
Wordless Wednesday – Week of April 18, 2017
Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!
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Aww! it looks like their tucking in well with that food heheh!
Have a tanfastic rest of the week 🙂
Furbabies are so funny how they do know time. My dog stares intently twice a day when he knows it is feeding time or hits the bed if I’m not up at that time. Cats are so fun with their antics. We only had the dog now, and he’s fun to watch but when I had my cats at different times, they were much more lively.
Oh boy, my male cat haunts me in the kitchen as soon as I start preparing dinner until I feed him, even if it is going to be a long preparation, he paces until I feed him.
Thans for hosting, hope you have a great week!
Unconventional breakfasts are okay with us, as long as the food is delicious. And it sounds like Magellan and Tsunami found their FF to be delicious! 🙂
Thanks for hosting, Ramona. Have a great Wednesday!
Happy to “meet” you through Peabea’s photo link up!
Nice to meet you too Elizabeth! 🙂
Ramona, Great product review & excellent photo captures! Sometimes I imagine cats saying…”Whatever did my pet do before she got a smartphone?….Oh, yeah, she left me alone!” 😀 Thanks for hosting the mid-week fun, my friend and have a great day!
Curious as a Cathy
Thanks for hosting!! : )
Thanks for hosting!! : ) Have a wonderful week!!
Well, at least Magellan waited peacefully, even if a little miffed.
The grass is always greener… speaking of which, please check out the give away on my blog!
My kitties love Fancy Feast! It is one of the foods I always know I can get them to eat. It looks like Tsunami and Magellan are really enjoying it too! 🙂
Awwww your kitties look like queens and princesses… okay maybe princes too! hehehehe~ They’re so cute. The other day my granddaughter and I went to a pet shelter… and we saw their kitties they’re so cute, but one had only one eye… it was so sad and I even got to pet that one!!! We had such a fun day together. I’m still looking for a dog that we can give a forever home too, but hubby says I have to wait until after his vacation is over & that’s the first two wks in June, but there’s no harm in looking… right? hehehehe~ Have a great day my friend! hugs
If I was a cat, I would love to live at your place. You have the best food dish.
Not much better in life than the fanciest of the feasts. purrs
Life with pets is never ending joy isn’t it. Even when they are a bit “boorish” ha ha
Thanks for sharing on #FridayFrivolity
Hehehe squabbles over food….I don’t have that problem in my house,xx Speedy
No such meal time problems in this Palace, peep doesn’t like mouse or sparrow so I am on my own for meal times… I wonder if Chewie do those flavours?
Purrs, Erin
Yum, we kitties like Fancy Feast too! Our Mummy spoils our eldest kitty with a little bit every day! Many Purrs from Paws and our feline family.
Sneakers and Friday would go for wet food, but Elvira seems to have issues, not caring for anything I’ve tried, except maybe once if I remember.
I may try again. 😀
We love Fancy Feast of all flavors as long as it is Pate. Rumpy gets dirty bloomers if he eats any gravy or similar. Lets have a FF picnic!
Our kitties love their Fancy Feats, what a treat it is, I am glad you like it too.
Oh, the sibling rivalry! Alice is always bullying Arya. But Arya is starting to stand up to her.
Glad the boys enjoyed their feasts!