Wordless Wednesday – Magellan Goes Organic With Castor & Pollux


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Castor & Pollux PRISTINE Cat Food Pouches #ChewyInfluencer Review

It’s hard to believe that the holiday season is only a month away – but Mom and Dad are already beginning to make plans for Thanksgiving weekend!

One of the big things on Mom’s mind this year is how to enjoy the holiday festivities in a healthy manner. She wants to make sure that any food she serves is delicious yet healthy and nutritious. Instead of focusing on desserts and sweet treats, she wants to focus on clean eating and organic meals.

Now, you might think that as cats, Tsunami and I are exempt from this requirement, but as Tsunami and I recently discovered, Mom’s plans don’t extend only to the human diners – it applies to us felines as well!


This week, as I was making my usual rounds around our home and checking the kitchen pantry every five minutes to make sure nothing new had appeared, I discovered that Mom had found some new goodies at Chewy.com for Tsunami and I to sample!

As is my habit, I literally poked around and discovered a new-to-us brand of cat food:

If you’re looking for a high-quality health food for your cats, Castor & Pollux is the only complete line of pet food that’s made entirely with responsibly sourced ingredients from suppliers and prepared right here in the US!


Pristine is unique because it’s very first ingredient is organic-fed, free-range chicken that is responsibly raised without antibiotics or hormones. It also contains real organic peas, carrots, cranberries and apples that are sustainably grown without synthetic fertilizers or chemical pesticides. Finally, the grain-free morsels in gravy contain no corn, soy, wheat or gluten ingredients and no artificial preservatives, flavors or colors.

Now I’m convinced that Mom was planning to surprise us with the Castor & Pollux Turkey and Chicken dishes as part of our holiday festivities (why else would she be stockpiling so many delicious treats) but clever me – I have foiled her plans once more!


If you ever hear your humans mumbling that you kitties eat better than they do, do what we do: just tune them out and enjoy a delicious pouch of Castor & Pollux PRISTINE Free Range-Turkey or Chicken Recipe Morsels (the gravy is irresistible!)

Disclosure: Magellan and Tsunami received today’s featured goodies from Chewy.com. We are members of the #ChewyInfluencer Network and Chewy.com Autoship customers. Any opinions we share reflect our personal experience with Chewy’s products and services.

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Are you or your pets on any type of special diet?
Please share your thoughts and stories in the comments –
Inquiring minds would love to know!

Wordless Wednesday – Week of October 23, 2018

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

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27 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – Magellan Goes Organic With Castor & Pollux”

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  1. I think I’m just realizing how big Magellan is! Maybe there is a lot of fluffy too – he sure is handsome tho!

  2. meowmeowmans says:

    Magellan, that food sounds like it would be good to eat on Thanksgiving, or any day for that matter. 🙂

    Thank you for hosting the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop. Hope you’re all doing well!

  3. Linda W says:

    Keep eating healthy!

  4. Marie Moody says:

    Doesn’t your kitty get potty problems when you change their food? Hmmmm I know dogs do, but not sure about kitties… Just wondering… our Charlie got bunch of bugs stuck to him and he went bananas.. . It was really weird, but he’s home now an din bed. Silly dog… Have a great week my friend.

    • You do have to be very careful with your pets and changes in their diet Marie – great point!
      We keep them on the same dry food always and we do try to keep stability in their core foods behind the scenes, even as they “taste test” all of the goodies! We also only sample the healthiest foods on the market to minimize any potential issues (we have actually switched a few brands over the years as a result of their “taste tests”!) As a result we have had never had any potty problems to date – the only problems we occasionally have is when they gulp their food to fast and it ends up on the carpet!

      • Marie Moody says:

        CARPET? YUK! Well, I’m glad you’re on top of that! Our prob with Charlie is he hates his food I think and although I’ve tried other food the only food he seems to like is people food. I put some on top of his food and he’ll eat that and the dog food. aughhhhh Hubby said I should stop and just leave the dog food & he’ll eat it when he’s good and hungry. Well, I did that and went two days and I caved in and gave him people food without hubby seeing. 🙁 Any suggestions? I know Charlie is a dog, but if you have any ideas I’d appreciate them. HUGS Have a great evening!

  5. Nummers… he looks really….. like ready to EAT! Kitties are like that I believe. Especially when they want to eat! That’s where I’m gonna shop around at… see if I can do more Christmas jewelry

  6. Erin says:

    It is great to see that not only is there a seasonal menu for you all, but it is so very well made and specified. I jus hope you don’t eat it all before the big day!
    Toodle pips

  7. stevebethere says:

    Magellan is such a lovely LQQKING cat oh and a poser lol

    Have a dinnertastic week and thanks for brainmobileing back 🙂

  8. Pam Greer says:

    Oh we are going to have to look for that food!

    • I researched it on the company website Pam – in addition to Chewy (which I recommend for the convenience of having it delivered to your door!) it looks like the major pet chains and Whole Foods are carrying this brand as well!

  9. Brian Frum says:

    That does sound pretty good and it sounds like the company is quite responsible too!

  10. Peabea says:

    Such a pretty cat and fun story. Happy 5th birthday. (I clicked on the wordless Wednesday button but it only took me to same page and I didn’t find the link up.)

  11. Ellen Pilch says:

    Good job finding that stockpile Magellan. You are so clever and cute. I need to get my kitties some of this for Thanksgiving.Thanks for hosting.

  12. Mom and Dad are just trying to keep you healthy for a long life. That is all.

    Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  13. He sure looks like he enjoyed that food!!
    I bet the organic food is better for him too!

    Thanks for sharing!!

    – Lisa

  14. Magellan, I think it’s important for all of us to eat organic, so I’m glad your human is getting you on board! ~ Jean

  15. What a pretty cats you have! They have the same coloring as my Yorkie mix Ziggy. I have a hard time finding healthy dog food that my dog will eat.

  16. You had us at responsibly sourced. These days that is increasingly vital for cat health.

  17. We love finding goodies from Chewy that we can sample.


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