Magellan Reviews Royal Canin Ultra Light – Wordless Wednesday #BlogHop

Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy Featuring The Royal Canin Ultra Light #ChewyInfluencer Review

Have you ever noticed how, when one person in your home decides it’s time to make major changes in their life, that suddenly, the entire family finds themselves following in their footsteps?

That’s exactly what happened to Tsunami and I (Magellan) this month!

Recently, Mom decided it was time to revamp her diet and focus on making better nutritional choices that would improve her health. Kudos to her – she’s down 17 pounds – but you should have seen the look on Dad’s face the night she served him Kale salad!

And us? We’re not exempt either! Fortunately, we avoided the greens, but Mom managed to find another way to ensure that we maintain a healthy weight. She kicked off the year by feeding us Royal Canin Ultra Light all month!

As indoor cats, we enjoy a life of leisure. We snuggle with our humans in our warm cozy beds, graze and groom throughout the day, then play and seek respite in our 62-inch Frisco Cat Tree. While we may play now and then, we’re not as active as we used to be, so we don’t need as many calories as our more active counterparts.

That’s why Royal Canin Ultra Light is perfect for us! These delicious, easy-to-serve meals come in single-serve packages for your convenience, and are served with lots of savory gravy which cats like us love! They are formulated to help indoor cats maintain a healthy weight and avoid weight gain while providing a 100% complete and balanced diet for adult cats.

Since we’ve been eating Royal Canin Maine Coon Dry Cat Food all of our lives, Royal Canin Ultra Light is the perfect addition to our diet! We love the food – my one complaint is that every time Mom puts down our plates, Tsunami always gobbles his down and then comes over and finishes up mine so I do not get to enjoy a complete serving!

(Tsunami says that if Mom fed him an entire package each day, then maybe – just maybe – he’d let me eat my food in peace!)

In any event, if you are looking for a delicious way to stay lean or to trim down, give Royal Canin Ultra Light a try. Just be forewarned – if you live in a multi-cat house, you may have to eat fast so that your housemates don’t steal your food!

Disclosure: Magellan and Tsunami received today’s featured goodies from They are both members of the #ChewyInfluencer Network and Autoship customers. Any opinions they share reflect their personal experience with these products and services.

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33 Responses to “Magellan Reviews Royal Canin Ultra Light – Wordless Wednesday #BlogHop”

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  1. Magellan is so handsome! You’ve captured him well in your photos.

    • Thanks Christina – the photos were taken on two days – he is SO chill in the first set – I did another photo shoot right before that and he had a blast playing with all of the stuff (that was not his) so he was pretty relaxed when it was time to photograph him this time round! 🙂

  2. Alice v says:

    Cute! I didn’t know your cats were Influencers!

  3. Brian Frum says:

    Dang, that does look pretty good and you really seemed to enjoy it! Yum!

  4. stevebethere says:

    MMMM LQQKS delicious I amsure Magellan will offer me some heheh!

    Have a delicioustastic week ➡

  5. Oh these kitties have the life of Riley, well fed and groomed beautifully!
    Happy Wednesday!! Purrs and Hugs!

  6. meowmeowmans says:

    Magellan, you are looking handsome, as always! We are glad you and Tsunami liked that food. Thank you for hosting!

  7. Ellen Pilch says:

    Great review. You are such cuties. Congrats to your mom on her weight loss. Most of my cats are over 13 so not really active, but the few younger ones are always chasing one another.

  8. jamil says:


  9. Pam Greer says:

    We are eating healthier too, this food sounds perfect!

  10. Teresa says:

    Happiest cat I know !

  11. Maggie says:

    “How active are you and your pets?” you ask?
    Well the perfect solution, but not one you can use too often, is to bring a rambunctious big kitten home. Our Rufus the Red is running around like crazy with the new comer.

  12. Mitzi says:

    Your cats are so beautiful! I always love seeing them!

  13. Magellan, you are so gorgeous, you could convince a human to eat that food! Actually, our angel Scooter who lived to be 22 loved the Royal Canin Maine Coon dry food, even though he wasn’t Maine Coon – Our Scooter was a Maine Coon at heart!

  14. Laurie says:

    Magellan is a very handsome guy! I enjoyed seeing him in your photos!

  15. They look like they are just LOVING that food!!

    Thanks for sharing!!

    – Lisa

  16. Pipo at about 9 pounds doesn’t need that, though um…well the peeps could use a trim down, MOL!
    And Dalton.
    Benji is still a thin dude…too thin in fact:(

  17. Oh!! Your fur babies are gorgeous!! Ours eat a strange diet because of the differences in ages and health issues. And none of ours will eat a treat. They look at us like we are trying to poison them. LOL Thank you so much for sharing.

  18. speedyrabbit says:

    Mummy Says I need to go on a diet too!xx Speedy

  19. ERin the cat says:

    That does sound interesting as I piled on a few ounces over the festive season. I shall see if I can get it over here.
    Toodle pips

  20. I have a friend who might like that * Hmmmmmm*

    Have a good week,

  21. Jeanna says:

    Whenever I see this gorgeous and fun-loving pair I automatically reach for a brush. How do you keep them looking so fab?

    • It’s challenging – whenever we see them we try to reach for a brush too!
      Magellan’s coat is easier to maintain as long as we frequently brush but Tsunami’s coat is so thick,
      we’ve had undercoat matting issues at times.
      Fortunately, Magellan enjoys being brushed – Tsunami not as much (which is part of the reason he is more of a challenge).
      For him, it really depends on his mood.

  22. You and Tsunami are gorgeous. I bet you get that a lot. 🙂

  23. That is one cool and beautiful cat. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful rest of the week.

  24. Quality food helps a cat maintain their gorgeous looks (but these two don’t have to try too hard eh?)

  25. Hi there Megallan and Tsunami, that looks real tasty to me. I’m still active in between 23 hours of sleep, so I really don’t need a diet right now…MOL 😀 Well done of the weight loss to your mom, I can imagine the eyes of your Dad on the salad…MOL MOL?Pawkisses for a wonderful week ahead???


  1. […] needed to start the year lean and clean, and she had the audacity to include us in her eat Ultra Light […]

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