2014: A Year Of Balance – New Year’s Tips & Giveaway

Balance Bar Inspiration

2014 – A Year Of Change, A Year Of Balance

As we move into 2014, how excited are you about taking a few small steps each month that will move you closer towards your goals and help you to bring about lasting, sustainable changes in your life?

Are you equally determined to avoid the pitfalls that come with making and breaking overly ambitious New Year’s resolutions?

I know I am. I’ve set myself up for disappointment way too many times in the past! This year, I’m setting myself up for success – and I’m turning to the experts at Balance Bar for help!

Balance Bar is committed to helping us improve our health, wellness, and overall level of happiness in 2014! They’ve invited me to share some fabulous tips that will help us start our New Year right  – and to offer one lucky reader the chance to win a fabulous prize package that will help her achieve her health and fitness goals!

Take The Balance Bar Pledge

Balance Bar Pledge

Start your year off right – join me in taking the Balance Bar Pledge – an anti-resolutions pledge that encourages you to avoid making overly ambitious, often unachievable New Year’s resolutions in January and instead, to focus your energy on making one small but sustainable step each month!

As a bonus, when you sign up for the pledge on the Balance Bar website, you’ll have a chance to win some fabulous prizes, including a Fitness Resort Vacation or one of 5 Balance Bar Prize Packs, from Balance Bar!

What Changes Are You Making This Month?

Balance Bars

As part of my personal commitment to improve my health, one change I’m making this month is to replace junk food with healthier snack options. Balance Bars – so named because each bar contains a Balanced caloric ratio of 40% calories from carbohydrates, 30% from protein, and 30% from dietary fat – is a perfect choice when you’re on the go! I’ve recently sampled three flavors – Yogurt Honey Peanut, Chocolate Mint Cookie Crunch, and Dark Chocolate Peanut – and can attest to the fact that they make delicious, filling, in-between meal snacks!

Would you like the opportunity to try these treats for yourself? Stay tuned – they’re a part of the New Year’s Giveaway from our friends at Balance Bar!

To learn more about Balance Bar, visit them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!


You’ll also have the opportunity to win a set of Yurbuds – the leading sport earphone – to help you with your fitness and training goals! I haven’t had a chance to try mine out yet – but I love the pretty blue set that Balance Bar sent me!

A Year Full Of Tips – Love Life And Live It To The Fullest

2014 Balance Calendar

Balance Bar has also teamed up with lifestyle expert Laurel House – also known as The Quickie Chick – to provide you with a full year of monthly tips that can positively impact your life! I’ll be implementing these tips throughout the year and am sharing them so you can benefit them too!

These tips are available in an exclusive calendar from Balance Bar that is included in the Balance Giveaway!

JANUARY – Make an “intention” board to stay motivated.

“Intentions” (rather than “resolutions”) allow you a little leniency while still holding a basic structure that helps to keep you on track to achieve your goals. Create an intention board of images and words cut from magazines that illustrate the energy behind your goals/intentions/resolutions for the year. For the tech savvy out there, go ahead and make it on Pinterest!

FEBRUARY  – Don’t let old habits derail you.

It’s time to start paying attention to your old habits and the little things that derail your progress on eating healthy in 2014. If you’re having a bad day and you usually turn to sweets to make yourself feel better, take a step back and realize how you’re handling the situation. Instead of doing something counter-productive to your goals like overeating, do something good for you like going on a brisk 20 minute walk or calling a friend to catch up.

MARCH  – Exercise to minimize your stress level.

When you exercise, your blood starts pumping faster through your veins, you take deeper, more cleansing and detoxifying breaths, and your brain releases endorphins- your body’s natural “feel good” chemicals. Not only are you achieving a goal by exercising, but you’re also making yourself feel better!

APRIL – Spring clean your life.

Take a look at your life and see what needs cleaning! In a bad relationship or friendship? Be honest to yourself and the other person, and end the relationship. Feeling tired and drained? Look at the activities in your days and revitalize them – drink more water, change up your breakfast commit to healthy afternoon snacks like a Balance Bar® and get outside a for a few minutes each day. Don’t just clean your house or office this spring, but clean up your life too.

The Balance Pledge

MAY – Surround yourself with motivating people.

Nothing is more of a “downer” than wanting and trying to better yourself but seeking encouragement, motivation or advice from people who say “you can’t.” Find the “You CANs” and do what they do!

JUNE – Better your life by making some changes.

Make a list of everything that makes you uncomfortable or annoyed like spending too much time on shopping, going out too much, not exercising, etc. Decide on a short, daily action that you can take that is exactly the opposite. You’ll make yourself feel better and make life less stressful.

JULY – Find your passion and start living it.

Ask anyone who seems to be happy at work and they will say “I LOVE what I do!” They are passionate, enthusiastic and they have energy from living their dreams. Don’t wake up 10 years from now wondering what happened to your life … start living TODAY! Try a new hobby, sign up for a new class at the gym or take a cooking class.

AUGUST – Take care of your BODY.

It’s the only one you’ve got. Move your body in a way that helps it feel good. Anything you can do to get your heart rate up releases chemicals that just plain make you feel better. And don’t forget to feed your body the right fuel (like with a Balance Bar®!) Otherwise, no matter how much exercise you do, you will always feel drained.

Balance Bar Giveaway and Twitter Party

SEPTEMBER – Build your self-esteem every day.

Self-esteem is essential when it comes to your self-image, how you’re perceived and ultimately how you treat yourself. If you’re down in the dumps about yourself, do something to make you feel happy, healthy and beautiful! Identify one thing to do each day like exercise, volunteer, open the door for someone, donate money, etc. and you’ll feel much better.

OCTOBER – MAKE time, don’t find time.

We all have busy schedules these days so it’s hard to find time to do what we want. Rather than wait for the perfect moment to exercise or for a relaxing quiet moment, make the moment! Wake up an hour early to hit the gym or go into the office early to get your work done so you can enjoy an extra 20 minutes outside at lunch.

NOVEMBER – Get a full 8 hours of sleep.

As a culture, Americans shortchange ourselves on sleep. But not getting enough sleep doesn’t just leave you tired, it takes a toll on your skin, your stress levels and overall well-being. Shut the computer down and commit to getting at least 8 solid hours a night. Then start your day with a balanced meal like Balance Bar® and a cup of Greek yogurt with fruit.

DECEMBER – Create a fitness bank.

Every time you don’t want to workout, but do anyway, give yourself $1. Once it adds up, treat yourself to something nice like a new coat or even a nice dinner out with friends. Your hard work and motivation will benefit you in the long run in more ways than one!

#NewYearBalance Twitter Party – January 9, 2014

Balance Bar Twitter Party

For more great ideas on how to get your New Year off to a great start – and for a chance to win one of five fabulous prize packs that includes a 15-count box of Balance Bars, a Yurbuds product and a motivational New Year’s calendar – be sure to join the #NewYearBalance Twiter Party on Thursday, January 9 at 2 pm ET!

The party is one-hour long and will be facilitated by hosts @BalanceBar, @QuickieChick, @Yurbuds and bloggers @LeslieVeg and @JonBonJovious!

New Year’s Balance Bar Giveaway

Balance Bar Giveaway

To help you start your New Year in style, Balance Bar would like to offer 1 US Create With Joy reader the chance to win a fabulous Balance Bar Prize Package that consists of:

  • A Variety of Balance Bars
  • A 2014 Motivational Calendar with Tips from Lifestyle Guru Laurel House
  • Sport Headphoes from Yurbuds

To enter the giveaway, submit your entries through the Rafflecopter form now through January 29, 2014 at Midnight PST. This giveaway is open to Create With Joy readers, 18 and older, who reside in the US except where prohibited by law. The complete Terms and Conditions are listed on the Rafflecopter form. By submitting an entry, you are indicating that you have read and agree to these Official Rules.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a sample prize package from Balance Bar to facilitate this review and giveaway. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

Copyright © 2014 by Create With Joy. All Rights Reserved.
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40 Responses to “2014: A Year Of Balance – New Year’s Tips & Giveaway”

Read below or add a comment...

  1. My small change is to change out my normal snack for something healthier!

  2. Vunda V says:

    i would like to go hiking more often!

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      That’s a great goal Vunda – I’d like to do that too!
      Perhaps you can find a few trails in your area and schedule a few dates into your calendar for the upcoming months?

  3. Cami says:

    I plan on continuing to look at the positive in situations! I live in FL:)

  4. Okay, I don’t know if this is small but I’m working on not beating myself up and giving up if I don’t stay on track with calories and exercise. 🙂 We live in Pennsylvania.

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      Actually I think that’s huge! 🙂 Good for you Christine! You know I’m rooting for you!

      • No lie… look what was in my devotion this morning: “No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, (Philippians 3:13 NLT)”
        ha! I guess I’m on the right track. Too cool!

  5. Vera K says:

    I need to be more serious about weight training and not just cardio. From vera khule at gmail dot com in CT.

  6. Julie Fields says:

    Walk more

  7. Louly says:

    I need to make changes to get more organized in my house!

  8. Sharon says:

    to be healthier

  9. Laura Ari says:

    I will be more active.

  10. Michelle G.
    Twitter: Divatude

    This is a year of change and growth for me, definitely. I’ll be returning to school in the fall and dedicating more time to the business side of my blog and my direct sales businesses. It’s exciting to really be focusing on my true passions. I love the motivating messages from the calendar. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Katie H says:

    I would like to go on more date nights with my husband – so we also need to find a good babysitter! (I live in WI)

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      What a wonderful goal! I have a book called 10 Great Dates I will be reviewing soon that would be perfect for you. Watch for it! 🙂

      Have fun setting some fabulous dates with your husband and best of luck to you in the giveaway!

  12. Debra Womack says:

    My main goal for this year is to find happiness every day.
    (When dealing with chronic depression, this is, indeed, a goal!)

    and so far – so good. 🙂

    I live in Georgia.

    debra (dot) womack (at) gmail (dot) com

  13. PaulaMS says:

    To walk 1 mile a day. paula_stewart@ymail.com South Carolina

  14. Elizabeth says:

    I want to remain more positive and not always feel like I have to get a billion things done.

  15. Colleen (@30Minutes4Me) says:

    Toning up and slimming down! colleen at fortysomethingbride dot com You can reach me in Pittsford NY.

  16. Brooke B.
    Twitter: xbrookeb28x

    One change I want to make is being healthier in all aspects of my life…my health, my home, etc. I want to be more organized, too.

  17. April says:

    This is a pretty cool contest. Balance is a great word of the year. I’ve made huge sweeping changes! LOL! I find making the small changes don’t work for me, only because I never remember to grow from that change. I just stick witht hat one tiny one and consider it a victory. Thanks for sharing and linking up with Countdown in Style! Don’t forget to come back on Friday to see if you were featured!


  18. soha molina says:

    I;d like to become a couponer.

  19. Chrissy says:

    One change I want to make this year is to be more organize.

  20. Nicole says:

    I want to be able to keep my house picked up so guests can stop over at anytime. With my busy schedule it is so hard, but I am really trying. So far, so good this year!

  21. Mindy D says:

    I want to take really hard classes but do really well in them as well

  22. Sharon says:

    I am making a commitment of taking Pilates classes soon, thanks so much for the chance of winning! I am from SC!

  23. Mary Hill
    Twitter: MaryHill16

    Hi, my weight continues to be a struggle. These may help a great deal. 🙂

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      I am finding these a tremendous help when I get a craving and I’m not ready to stop for a meal!
      As a matter of fact, I’m munching on one of the Chocolate Mint Cookie Crunch Balance Bars to tide me over to dinnertime!

  24. Diane says:

    I started doing Yoga and I love it. It makes me body and mind feel fantastic!


  1. […] 2014: A Year Of Balance – New Year’s Tips & Giveaway […]

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