7 Ways To Stress Less & Simplify Your Life – Renee Trudeau Giveaway

Renee Flower


Several months ago, I had the pleasure of reviewing life coach Renee Trudeau’s book, Nurturing The Soul Of Your Family, at Create With Joy. In that book, Renee shares practical tips and exercises to help you take control of your family’s life!

Today, Renee returns to Create With Joy as a guest blogger! Renee knows that one of the busiest times in a family’s life is during the back-to-school season. To help moms thrive, Renee is sharing her top tips and strategies to help us to stress less and simplify our lives. Renee is also partnering with us to host a special giveaway that you can enter at the end of this post!

7 Back-To-School Strategies to Help You Stress Less and Simplify Your Life by Renee Trudeau

Renee Flower 2

Whether your kids are toddlers or teens, the start of a new school year signified opportunity, a fresh start, and a chance to do things differently.

If you’re feeling some anxiety around the all the transitions, adjustments, juggling and driving that usually accompany a new school year, take a deep breath, pause and consider the following ideas for a simpler, less stressful school year. Adopting even one of these ideas could make a huge difference in how you experience this potentially hectic time. Begin with compassion and baby steps as you consider the following:

1. Identify what’s #1 for your family this fall. What values or new ways of being are most important to you in the upcoming months? Perhaps creating a calm morning routine, eating dinner together, having dedicated family time, developing a good homework routine or mapping out a game plan for regular communication? Consider creating a vision board together around your shared values.

2. Set yourself up for success by enlisting a support team. What type of support do you and your family need to feel nourished and nurtured as you transition into the new season? Perhaps a tutor or parenting coach, a new carpool team, a source for ready-made healthy meals or a couple of back-up baby sitters for monthly dates with your partner? Line up help now and post your “support team” list in your kitchen where the whole family can see it.

3. Schedule replenishing nature respites. Being in nature elicits a relaxation response; it helps us shed worries and restore and replenish our bodies and minds like nothing else. Pull out your calendar and schedule some family hikes, a father/son camping trip, a visit to a country cabin or lake house over a holiday break, or a potluck at a nearby park with your neighbors or friends.

4. Do less to experience more. In our office, we love the mantra, “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.” A key cause of stress is ambition and trying to do too much. Researchers in the field of positive psychology say we’re happiest when we have fewer options and decisions to make. What can you say “no” to so you can simplify your family’s life? Our quality of life is enhanced not by adding things, but by letting go of that which we don’t need.

5. Be mindful of technology. In a recent survey I did, families across the U.S. said overuse of media was the top culprit for derailing their family’s emotional well-being and sense of connectedness. Consider doing an informal family media use survey (include phones, computers, tablets, TV) and create some clear media guidelines for how and when your kids can be online, play video games or use other devices. Many families also are finding keeping (or getting) a landline helps with screening calls and preserving precious family time in the evenings and on the weekends.

6. Decide how you’ll communicate as a family. Regular, open, heartfelt communication is key to people feeling heard, seen, safe and secure and knowing their ideas matter. Especially when schedules are full. Some families have weekly communication meetings (post an agenda on the fridge and have your children add items to the list that they want to cover), some parents have Sunday evening planning meetings after the kids go to bed and others adopt practices as simple as everyone sharing a “thumbs up and thumbs down” at dinner each night. Do what works for you.

7. Designate weekends for rest and relaxation (as best you can!). While it’s easy to stack our weekends with errands, household cleaning, social activities, sports and more, weekend time is sacred. The primary purpose of this 48 hour break is to rejuvenate and restore your energy reserves so you can return to work and school Monday with a fresh, excited outlook—ready to learn and take on new projects. While spending the weekend in a hammock may be unrealistic, realize rest and relaxation are essential to problem solving, idea generation and creativity. At least a portion of your weekend—and maybe all day Sunday– should be devoted to physical and emotional renewal.

Now is a great time to mindfully reflect on what has worked and not worked in the past for your family and to explore how you might implement some of these strategies now, so you enter the new school year feeling cool, calm and connected.

More ideas, exercises, monthly mediations and inspiration on how to reconnect, stress less and experience more balance and harmony in everyday life in Nurturing the Soul of Your Family: 10 Ways to Reconnect and Find Peace in Everyday Life (New World Library 2013) by Renee Trudeau.

About Renee Trudeau

Renee Trudeau
Renée Peterson Trudeau is an internationally-recognized life balance coach, speaker and author. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, US News and World Report, Good Housekeeping, AARP and more. On the faculty of Kripalu Center for Yoga & Wellness, she leads workshops and retreats for 500 companies, conferences and organizations worldwide.

Renee is the author of the award-winning The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal: How to Reclaim, Rejuvenate and Re-Balance Your Life and Nurturing the Soul of Your Family: 10 Ways to Reconnect and Find Peace in Everyday Life. Thousands of women in ten countries around the globe are participating in self-renewal groups for women based on her first book. She lives in Austin, TX with her husband and son.

Stress less this fall by joining Renee September 16 through October 25, 2013 for a brand new course just for moms: The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal Online Experience.

Renee Trudeau – Winner’s Choice Book Giveaway

The Mothers Guide To Self-Renewal

Renee has written two books to help moms nurture themselves and their families:

To help make life a little more peaceful, Renee would like to offer TWO lucky Create With Joy readers the chance to win the book of their choice!

Nurturing The Soul Of Your Family

The prizes will be awarded as follows:

  • 1 Winner (US) will receive an Autographed copy of their choice of Renee’s books.
  • 1 Winner (International) will receive an E-Copy of their choice of Renee’s books.

To enter the giveaway, please submit your entries through the Rafflecopter form. This giveaway is open to ALL Create With Joy readers, 18 and older, through Friday, September 20, 2013 at 11:59 pm PST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Additional Information

The winners will be chosen using a random number generator. The odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. If the winning entries do not comply with all conditions set forth in the entry/giveaway, another entry will be drawn. The winners will be contacted via e-mail and have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. The sponsor is solely responsible for prize fulfillment. The winners release Create With Joy from all liability associated with this product/contest.

No purchase is necessary. Void where prohibited by law. All decisions by Create With Joy are final. The complete Terms and Conditions are listed on the Rafflecopter form. By submitting an entry, you are indicating that you have read and agree to these Official Rules.

Disclosure: I did NOT receive any type of compensation for sharing this information.

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17 Responses to “7 Ways To Stress Less & Simplify Your Life – Renee Trudeau Giveaway”

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  1. Dawn St Amand Paoletta
    Twitter: breathoffaith

    I think I have really been learning to embrace #4 and finding the wisdom of that. Less is more…and just because we can does not equal green light. Learning! I am in the USA. dawn.paoletta@gmail.com.

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      I LOVE tip 4! I think I need to write that mantra – “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should” on my Inspiration board!
      Best of luck to you in the giveaway, Dawn, and isn’t it wonderful to always be learning?

  2. Georgia Beckman
    Twitter: georgiabeckman1

    I like the idea of scheduling nature respites. In fact, that idea has been stumbling around inside my head for the last few days, so this was a great affirmation for me

  3. Nina says:

    This sounds like a lovely book – do less, experience more – indeed! Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
    Nina @ Thoughts and Images Along the Way-

  4. karen
    Twitter: mrs_KarenC

    great post….I think my problems are forgetting to put down technology and doing relaxing things for myself on the weekends.

    such great tips though! Happy Saturday

  5. Karen Main says:

    What a lovely and much needed message. My kids are 6 and 8 and I allow myself to become very depleted at times keeping up with their needs and their Dad’s. Thank you
    Happy Sharefest

  6. It looks like my weekend plans of laying on the couch and letting the kids watch TV aren’t so bad after all! Actually, I’m feeling under the weather from allergies and recovering from a tough workout on Thursday. The kids have had a busy week too, so we’re just going to relax this weekend.

    PS We are in the US.

  7. Rebecca Flansburg "Franticmommy" says:

    Such great topics! We had a great summer but I def. need to refocus on “me time” now that the kids are back in school 🙂

  8. Melissa says:

    “Peace” is my word of the year in 2013, so finding (and keeping peace) are the name of the game this year.

    BTW, I’m stopping by from the SITs Girls Friday Linky. 🙂

  9. Adrian says:

    I think reserving your weekends might be possible when you have young children. I don’t know how realistic it is with teenagers. Our weekends are usually jam-packed with Scout stuff, church stuff, youth group, and band performances (son is in the High School band and they play every football game). It seems like the level of involvement in extra-curricular activities has really gotten out of hand. On the other hand, I think the nature aspect is very helpful. I try to get out at work and walk around the building for a while, or when I’m home, I try to get out in the front yard and sit and watch the hummingbirds and the bees. It definitely adds a little relaxation to my day.

  10. Yes, yes, yes, yes! Sometimes I feel like something is wrong with our family because our weekends are fairly calm and we hang out at home often. We enjoy it and our weeks run smoother b/c of it. Great giveaway and a lovely post. Have a great week.


  1. […] Life Coach and Author Renee Trudeau recognizes the challenges that this season can bring. This week, she’s written a guest post called 7 Back-To-School Strategies To Help You Stress Less And Simplify Your Life. […]

  2. […] 2 Moms could Win Their Choice Of Books From Renee Trudeau! […]

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