Wordless Wednesday – The Distract-A-Cats

Magellan - Holiday Joy

Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!

Quote Of The Week

Cats are dangerous companions for writers
Because cat watching is a near-perfect method of writing avoidance.

Dan Greenburg

The Distract-A-Cats

It’s the start of another busy week. Your To Do List is overflowing with tasks that simply must get done. You feel the weight of all that is on your shoulders. Perhaps you feel a little tense before your day even starts!

Have you noticed how sensitive our pets are to our emotions? Sometimes, it seems that they’re even more aware of what’s going on inside of our heads than we are! When I get super-focused on the task at hand, I’ve noticed that the Distract-A-Cats come vying for attention. They hate to see us stressed. These tenacious kitties won’t stop until they get what they want!

Broken Lamp

The Distract-A-Cats have many tricks up their sleeves for diverting your focus from your tasks to them. They’ll jump on you, lie on your stuff, shut down your electronics, knock things over, break things, bring you toys to play with, and meow incessantly. Perhaps the most effective trick they possess is their innate ability to stare at you with big imploring eyes and make themselves so irresistble that you simply must stop whatever it is that you’re doing to spend time basking in their beautiful presence!

Rumor has it that other species have noticed how effective the Distract-A-Cats are at ruling their roosts and want in on the action! If you have noticed this too, we’d love for you to share your stories with us this week!

Chat In The Comments

Let's Chat

Do you live with a Distract-A-Cat, Distract-A-Dog, or Distract-A-Kid?
Please share your stories and their antics in the comments –
Inquiring minds would love to know!

Wordless Wednesday – Week of September 12, 2017

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photography buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographers along the way!

Please spread the word about this party by displaying our beautiful Wordless Wednesday button and linking back to this post (the code is on my sidebar!) It would also be great if you could use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!

Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

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24 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – The Distract-A-Cats”

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  1. stevebethere
    Twitter: bethere2day

    Aww! what a lovely photo of Magellan 🙂

    Have a tanfastical week 🙂

  2. Lydia C. Lee says:

    Interesting thought – Distract-a-cat. Yes, people (esp kids) do it too.

  3. Teresa from NanaHood
    Twitter: thenanahood

    That sure is one good looking pampered kitty!

  4. Ellen Pilch says:

    Kitties can be naughty, good thing they are cute. Our cat, Prancie loves to knock things off the nightstand to make us get up in the morning.

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      Ah I used to have a Distract-A-Cat who was the king of nightstand knock-offs – guess he has found new life with your dear Prancie – they sure know how to get our attention, don’t they!

  5. Karren Haller
    Twitter: Myllls

    I lie with two “Distract-A-Cats” and boy do they cause havoc and insistently meow meow meow, I sometimes wish they could “talk” to let me know what they want. its a guessing game.

    Thanks for hosting!!

  6. XmasDolly
    Twitter: Xmasdolly

    Look at me! Two Wednesdays in a roll. Must go in for a Stress Test tomorrow though so I may only be around in the morning for a bit. I hear it takes four hours… dang!!!! Well wish me luck! Time to go ni ni!!!!

  7. meowmeowmans says:

    Looking good, Magellan! And hey, we know some Distract-a-Cats, too. Just saying. 🙂

  8. Summer says:

    Binga is a master at this! I’m different – I try to defuse tension. But then, I’m a therapy cat.

  9. Yael says:

    My distract-a-cat just simply comes over, walks right up, and pushes me back in the chair. He is downright pushy. Can’t ignore him at all.
    Yael from Playing In Catnip

  10. Many years ago, we had a “Distract-A-Cat”. She would knock things over or run crazily through the house while we slept waking us periodically throughout the night. We confined her to one room at bedtime and that helped. After that era passed, we had a “Distract-A-Child” times three. You can’t leave one of these unattended too long or the world will come to an end! We found they woke up more frequently through the night than our “Distract-A-Cat” ever did, and left tiny toys scattered all over the floor for bare feet (usually mine) to step on causing horrible injury, and scribbled on hallway walls or table tops requiring the strength of Mr. Clean to remove, and…the list goes on! Now, I have only a “Distract-A-Hubs”! He doesn’t tear up things but at times he can keep me on my toes. It really isn’t so bad to have these distractions in my life because they did/do bring me joy. 😀

    Happy WW!

  11. Judee says:

    My cat used to jump onto the computer whenever I was doing work. she would not leave me alone. As soon as I stopped working she disappeared and ignored me! Cats are so funny

  12. Maggie says:

    Yes, I have two distract-a-cats with many effective techniques, especially at dinner time!
    Thanks for the link up.

  13. Yes, we have a distract-a-cat and some distract-a-kids. 🙂 Hope you have a great Wednesday. Thanks for hosting!

  14. Cats are sometimes smarter than us and they are cute.

    Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful rest of the week.

  15. Kitties Blue says:

    We are an entire family of distract-a-cats. Lily is the starer and computer expert. Astrid is the one who shuts the computer down and lies on the keyboard. Mau is the talker who brings toys to be played with. Calista Jo follows Mom everywhere meowing. We all like to lie on reading material. And www are all experts at cat-wants-out/cat-wants-in. Best game ever! It’s a wonder our human accomplishes anything. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  16. Valentine says:

    Yes, Mom thinks I must be a District-A kitty, too. When she gets consumed in a project, I get her attention by sitting on the counter and staring at her, knocking something off the counter onto the floor (like a drinking glass or glass jar), sit on her computer, or pounce on papers so they crinkle. Very effective methods! I like how your kitties bring you toys when they want your attention, too! I bet that works to get your attention every time! Tee hee hee!

  17. We have thow3. Mum says its a special breed * sigh * takes a lot of training…….

  18. Ahem, as though we would! What I think it is, is that peeps forget to take the requisite breaks to play with us and thus help their own well being. I mean we are not just here to purr and eat and sleep (most of the time any ways)!
    Toodle-pip and purrs

  19. Oops! Your photo is so cute that any human would forget that oops.

  20. speedyrabbit says:

    Bunnies can be naughty too,xx Rachel

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