Inspire Me Monday – Week 22

Inspire Me Monday

I like the idea of Inspiration Monday.
Monday’s often get the short end of the stick
But they are fraught with potential!
Judy Palmer

Welcome to Inspire Me Monday
A place to share your creative inspirations
Sharpen your creative vision and
Showcase your creative talents!
I invite you to inspire others and
Nurture your creative spirit by
Joining our Creative Blog Hop!

To participate, simply join my creative community and
Follow the guidelines at the end of this post!

What’s Inspiring You This Week?
Here’s What’s Inspiring Me…

Inspiration For Artists
Meet The Elephant Painters

Ramona Painting

I am not referring to people who paint elephants.
I am talking about elephants who paint art!
Yes, you heard me right.
No, I have not lost my mind!

It was during a recent visit to Novica
That I learned about the Elephant Painters,
An amazing group of artistic pachyderms
Led by none other than Ramona,
Their Prima Donna Artist
Who hula hoops and shoots baskets too!

I realize this sounds a bit fantastical.
Prince Charming had to see it to believe it.
I’m sure a few of you might need to as well,
So, without further adieu –
I bring you this week’s must see video!

Inspiration For Writers 
Sitzfleish And Flash

Debra – Pure And Simple

Sitzfleish & Flash - Debra at Pure and Simple

Bless you!
That’s what my husband says when I say
Strange sounding words in his presence!

But Debra from Pure and Simple explains that
Sitzfleish is a German word that refers to
One’s ability to sit still and get to the task at hand.

Mastering the Art of Sitzfleish
Can mean the difference
Between aspiring to be creative
And successfully creating!
Be sure to read Debra’s wonderful article this week!

Inspiration For Bloggers
Friendship Friday

Friendship Friday

Friendship Friday is a special meme
That offers you the chance to
Foster friendships with other bloggers
While showcasing your uniqueness
And growing your social networks!

This week you’re invited to stop by and share the
Best blog post you read this week!
I know you’ll be inspired by the bloggers
And posts I featured this week!

The Biannual Blogathon Bash
June 22-25, 2012

Biannual Blogathon Bash - June 2012

Are you ready to take your blog to the next level?
Does your To Do List need tackling?
Would you like to improve the quality of your blog?
If so, join me for The Biannual Blogathon Bash!
Details are on the spotlighted post!

Inspiration For Food Lovers
Brownie Bites

Brownie Bites

I recently purchased a few Mini Muffin Pans.
I’ve wanted them for a long time.
I couldn’t wait to break them in!

The first recipe I made was Brownie Bites.
They turned out fabulous and are the perfect size!
Give them a try the next time you want a burst of chocolate!

Highlights From Week 21

Charlene – A Pinch Of Joy
Recipe: Bacon Potato Salad

Charlene - A Pinch Of Joy - Bacon Potato Salad

‘Tis the season for salads, sandwiches, picnics…
And the perfect potato salad!

I loved Charlene’s recipe for many reasons
Bacon not withstanding!
What I loved most was her research and tips on
How to create a perfect, firm salad –
It’s all in the types of potatoes you use!

Patsy – Heartworks
Art Journaling: Our Inheritance

Patsy - Heartworks - Our Inheritance

Patsy is an incredibly talented mixed media artist and
Woman of faith who shares her art journals on her blog.
This week, as she painted and wrote about the Apostle Paul,
Who is one of her heroes of the faith.
She encouraged me with these words from her journal:

Whatever our situation in life,
Perhaps we are getting older,
Or maybe we have some sickness that
Prevents us from going out
And serving in a full time ministry,
Or we are a stay at home mom,
Taking care of small kids
And home schooling them,
We are very important to God.

He can use us,
Where we are,
With the gifts we have!

I trust that her words will encourage you too!

Tat – Mum In Search
Essay: What If I Can Live The Way I Dance?
Art: Flamenco Dancer by Willy Biaggi

Flamenco Dancer by Willy Biaggi

I love questions.

Questions can change the way you think.
Questions can change the way you see the world.
Questions can change your life.

This week, I encourage you to reflect on the questions that
Tat raised in her wonderful essay:

What’s that thing in your life that makes your heart sing?

What can you do to channel that same joy,
Same energy into everything else you do?

What if I can live the way I dance?

Talent is timeless.
For more fabulous features,
Visit my creative friends at
Inspire Me Monday – Week 21!


Inspire Me Monday #22 – Week Of June 4, 2012

Inspire Me Monday

Now it’s time to share your inspirations! You can participate in Inspire Me Monday in the following ways:

1) Share “What’s Inspiring You” by creating your own Inspire Me Monday post! You can include any creative challenges you’ve discovered – any books or quotes you love – any bloggers who have inspired you – anything that has inspired you and will inspire us too!

2) Share your creative projects with us! You’re welcome to link up your Arts & Crafts projects – your Recipes – your DIY, Home Décor and Organizational Ideas – your original Writing, Music & Photography – you get the idea!

3) Visit the participants – share some comment love – let them know what’s inspired you!

When you link up, be sure to include the Inspire Me Monday button and a link back to this post on all of your entries so that your readers can join the fun! The blog code is on the side bar if you need it!

Be sure to link directly to your Inspire Me Monday Posts and Creations using the permalink to the individual posts – not your blog’s home page URL – so that participants can easily find and comment on your creations!

The party will remain open all week so have fun sharing – inspire me with your comments – and please, use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!


48 Responses to “Inspire Me Monday – Week 22”

Read below or add a comment...

  1. always appreciate a visit… hoping you’re inspired !

  2. Gail says:

    Thanks for hosting Inspire Me Monday each week. I’ve been linking up for a while now, but I’m wanting to check with host sites to make sure my devotions, marriage posts, decor/craft, and blog tip posts fall within the criteria. And also to ask if you’d rather I not post so many (5-7).
    I appreciate you taking the time to let me know so I’ll respect your blog hop wishes.

    • Dear Gail

      I just emailed you privately but wanted to let you know publically that your posts are awesome and well within my vision for what this party is about – so please, link away!

      As long as people are not spamming my parties with irrelevant or inappropriate posts, I try to be as flexible as possible. I am blessed that most of the people who link to my parties (especially this one) share such quality posts and are a joy to visit!

      I really do appreciate your taking the time to ask about this though and I encourage anyone else who has a question about the party or about the appropriateness of their posts to drop me a line!

      Have a wonderful week! 🙂

  3. Debra says:

    I love the idea of inspiration Monday too!
    Where else can you see an elephant painting?
    Learn new words like zitzfleish
    Receive an invite to the Blogathon Bash
    Try yummy recipes like Brownie Bites
    and Bacon Potato Salad.
    Thank you again Ramona for your warm hospitality.
    Have a blessed week my friend!

  4. D says:

    Thank you for hosting. Happy Monday!

  5. Thank you for yet another wonderful link up. I will be back later to have a browse – got dentist appointment to go to at mo!!!!!

  6. Tat says:

    Thank you so much for featuring my post! And those elephant painters are amazing, thank you for discovering them.

  7. Debbie says:

    Thanks so much for hosting! I hope you have a great week 🙂

  8. Paula J says:

    To this day I am amazed that elephants can paint. If only we could see their thoughts …
    Thanks so much for hosting :))


  9. Meryl says:

    Thanks for hosting – have a great week.

  10. Carolyn Dube says:

    I am in love with those elephants! The video just made me want to go there just to see them in person! The art with the art journal and the dancing post- so much goodness to start the week! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Wonderful feature picks! I love to see what everyone has made! Have a fabulous week sweetie!

  12. Hi Joy, thanks for hosting! This week I’m sharing my Tangy Carrot-Apple Salad and my Energy Trail Mix.

  13. Sitzfleish — I need to remember that and apply it! Thanks for the great post & for hosting the link-up.
    God bless,

  14. Mary says:

    Good afternoon Ramona! I’ve been a bit MIA from the party circuit the last couple of weeks, but I’m finally getting little breaks from our summer clean-up and gardening. Phew! I’ve missed your terrific features and catching up with your posts on Inspire Me Monday, so I’m extra happy to be here today! Love the story of the elephant painters and I’m always so inspired by Patsy’s beautiful artwork. I’m definitely going to have to get a mini muffin pan so that I can make those yummy brownie bites. What a perfect little snack when you need a chocolate fix! Thanks so much for hosting the party today. I hope you’re having a lovely Monday and that you have a blessed and happy week ahead! ~Mary

  15. Dawn says:

    I so love Patsy’s journals, art and creativity! LOVE! The elephants look so adorable. ANd the Bacon Potato Salad…hello YUM! Meanwhile I will be posting late today since I have been busy catching up on my “homework” ie- read housework, chores , etc. Soooooo hopefully I can get busy with my Blog- soon! Crazy May! Indeed. But it is nice just to take 5 and check in! Happy Monday, Ramona! Link up when I get some “me ” time…beyond just peeking at your wonderful place!

  16. It was great linking up with you again this week. Noticed you also did the Alexa mania too! Great! Here is my Alexa review page:
    Please give me a review and send me the link to your alexa review page and I will gladly review yours!

  17. Wow, this is my first visit to your blog and I truly do love all of the inspiration. Thanks for hosting and sharing. I am enjoying visiting everyones blogs. Now following you too.

  18. Hey there ;o) I left my comment on the wrong post – but I was so intrigued by the picture of Ramona the Elephant painting a picture that I popped over there and left my comment for Inspire Me Monday . . . . finished my Father’s Day Banner Card and posted the tutorial on the mamas*little*treasures blog, so I hope you will stop by and take a peek. If any of the other “hoppers” want to make their own Father’s Day Banner Card, I would love to see pictures of their completed creations ;o) Have a great week, and I’ll be back for WW! Hugs, Nina and the girls

  19. I’ve watched elephants paint in the past (from my computer) and I think it’s very inspiring. I think elephants are mostly very bored in zoos, so it must be good for them to have some creative outlet. Also I love that flamenco painting, thanks for bringing it to my attention!

  20. denni says:

    Love elephants! They are so emotional and intelligent so of course they’re artists as well.

  21. Elise says:

    I am a new linky follower!! It would be great if you stopped on by and followed me at

  22. Aleksandra says:

    Thanks so much for hosting. I`ll put you on my list of linky parties, and can`t wait for another exchange of ideas.

    All the best,


  23. Nancy @ A Joyful Cottage says:

    Amazing. How do they do that? Very interesting.

  24. Carol says:

    Great post ~ great blog ~ and thanks for linking up with Magical Monday Meme blog hop ~ enjoy the week ~ thanks, ^_^

  25. Mel says:

    Hello Joy…thank you for dropping by me today and making your suggestion…I’ve come on over and had a good look around & joined the gang!…thank you for your comments I’m glad you liked my card…Mel 🙂

  26. Michelle says:

    Thanks for the invite and thanks for hosting. I have added your blog to my weekly party page and can’t wait to check out what everyone posted. Have a great week.

  27. bonnie says:

    Inspired to share on facebook…. Your blogging is an inspiration!

  28. Nicole@Show Off Friday Blog Hop says:

    That is one talented elephant! Thanks for sharing on my blog hop. I hope you had a great weekend!


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  7. […] join us for Inspire Me Monday  at Create with Joy where you will find the other participants in this week’s Inspire Me […]

  8. […] Talent is timeless. For more fabulous features, Visit my creative friends at Inspire Me Monday – Week 22! […]

  9. […] have plenty of time to post, link and mingle! Have fun making friends and be sure to join me for Inspire Me Monday and Wordless […]

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