Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!
Quote Of The Week
Cats seem to go on the principle that
It never does any harm to ask for what you want.
Joseph Wood Krutch
Photos Of The Week –Magellan, King Of The Keyboard
Recently I discovered that Magellan is planning to
Take over my computer!
This week, he nearly succeeded in his dastardly plans!
A few days ago, I sat down to type only to discover that
No words were coming out of my keyboard!
The cause?
Magellan had left one too many bite marks in my keyboard chord
And rendered it DOA!
Fortunately, I had a brand new keyboard waiting in the wings –
A precaution necessitated after one too many previous kitten disasters!
That little incident was just the first in a series of tricks that
Magellan has unleashed on me this week!
I have had to double check every thing I write because
Magellan has been inserting all sorts of interesting commentary
In my posts whenever I turn my back.
A few of his comments I am not sure I can repeat in polite company!
He has also tried to re-program my computer several times.
Now he is trying to do a Houdini and
Make my keyboard completely disappear!
On several occasions he has jumped on my keyboard tray
For a nap and inadvertently pushed the entire keyboard
Off the back of the tray due to his growth!
Now he is unabashedly trying to claim the keyboard shelf as his turf!
Today he jumped up and intentionally pushed the keyboard
Off the front of the shelf!
Cat parents will recognize his next sassy move:
As I prepare to air lift him off of the shelf and
Return the keyboard to its rightful home,
Magellan hunkers down for battle,
Intentionally willing himself into 100 pounds of dead weight!
Which brings us to our Question Of The Week:
What antics are your pets pulling this week?
Entertain us with their antics in the comments!
Wild Cats Vs Toilet Paper!
Wordless Wednesday – Week of September 16, 2014
Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!
To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photography buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographers along the way!
Please spread the word about this party by displaying our beautiful Wordless Wednesday button and linking back to this post (the code is on my sidebar!) It would also be great if you could use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!
Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!
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Beautiful kitty and possibly the writer’s muse. 🙂
I am sure that shortly he will not only be King but also master the ways of the Keyboard. Maybe even start his own blog LOL… Very nice
Don’t worry Magellan you will be a keyboard expert in no time heheh!
Have a kittentastic week 😉
Always so adorable! they really love to be on computer tables! My cat even hides at the back of our desktop before =P #ww
Thanj you, friend, for hosting the WW party!! Adorable pics, as always!!
Too cute. Always makes me laugh when cats try to lay claim to places around the house. Recently, my youngest one refused to lay anywhere except right in front of the TV…
So cute that he likes playing with the keyboard.
Happy WW
Looks like Kitty just wants to be close to you.
He does – he is such a sweetheart!
He is particularly having separation anxiety from his dad right now as he works long hours this time of year!
Do we have an author of the future here?
Such a luxurious kitty!
Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2014/09/elodie-farms.html
Lovely photos and what a nice cat!
I cam downstairs the other morning to find the cats sitting on my chair, staring at the monitor as the mac told them to install updates. It was pretty awesome actually.
Ah – if only I could train Magellan to do my computer updates!
Now THAT would be a cool kitty trick!
Haha. My kitty loves to do that too. Except he’ll usually be *on* the keyboard.
Now that is cool.
LOL! Ramona, I had to cover my kitties’ eyes! I couldn’t let them get any more ideas about playing with toilet paper! 😉
Their current favorite toy is a lego block. Endless entertainment, up and down the hall on our wood floors.
I will be doing photo tips on pet portraits on Friday, with lots of pictures of my new kittens!
Do drop by!
Soon he will be blogging too! ;p
Magellan the king of mischievous! He must want to be your editor :o)
What a hard little worker that Magellan is! 😀
Aww Meggellan, has a flavor for cords, oops not so good………..But he sure is cute.
Thanks for hosting and all you do!
All our animals love to hang out by our keyboards, I think they are jealous of all the attention we give it instead of them. Thanks for sharing!
We like that Magellan wants to “help.” 🙂
Thank you for hosting!
Love it and love the photos!
Here kitty, kitty!!! Now if he writes me back I want that kitty’s offspring! ~hehehe~ Magellan is such a smart kitty! Thanks for sharing all of his little quirks. They’re so fun! I can hardly believe it’s Wednesday again. Where does the time go!?! Have a great day!
Same with my cats, lol !
Magellan has really cracked me up today! I was just talking to some friends about my cats abilities to thwart my homework efforts in college. They laid on my books, chewed on pens and paper and walked across keyboards. There were never chewed cords though! Nice work pretty kitty!
Such cute pics of your constant companion. 🙂
How funny! He is much like my youngest when he really needs to get my attention and I am online he will sit on my laptop. Happy WW!
That’s where my animals like to be!
I’m pretty certain he’s the king of EVERYTHING 😉
Domestic cats are more fun to watch while playing with the TP than the wild cats, I think. House cats are all jumpy and silly whereas bigger cats just shred or bat the roll around ~ not quite so entertaining, in my opinion. Thanks for the shared laughs. #WW
Ohhh cats and computers…what is it about them?! lol
I’m so happy that my dogs don’t try to get up on my keyboard 🙂
A typing buddy! My cats have a tendency to lay on the keyboard more than behind or on the side of it. Crazy cats. 🙂
LOL reminds me of Kilo!
OMC…another great cat video. Mom is so glad that none of us have ever been interested in chewing cords. We do love to sit on the computer, and Astrid and Lily Olivia find it fun to add their unsolicited remarks in to our comments. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Good morning, stopping back by to let you know that I have featured your Stuffed Pumpkin with Apple & Cinnamon Raisin Bread Pudding in this weeks #WW post. I do hope you can stop by and check it out.
Have a great day!
LOL, he’s such a cutie pie… 🙂
Happy Wordless Wednesday!
Your cat is going place 🙂
loved those pix!
happy to link up
How in the world do they suddenly gain 90 pounds in nothing flat, without getting bigger? Cats are indeed masters of physics.
I have a pretty big three ring binder in which I keep resources for my novel-in-progress. I had it on the floor by the desk yesterday, when our tabby suddenly took an interest in it. She kept reaching under the cover and trying to pull the paper out. Like all good cat guardians, I sat and watched her adorable shenanigans.
Until she started succeeding in her quest to remove the papers.
When I took the binder away, she gave me that o-so-familiar look of, “Why mom? Why?” I didn’t give it back, but when I leaned down to give her a head scritch, she took off like a bolt of striped lightening.
You know, I’m kinda glad I don’t have a cat who always gets on the keyboard and computer when I work. I think I’d be too annoyed. But you seem to be alright with it. 😉
A cat..therefore in charge of all things, everywhere!
Hi Ramona! Magellan is such a beautiful cat. I really enjoyed this post as well as the video. Thank you!
Thanks so much Vashti – glad you enjoyed the video too!
I thought it was a lot of fun!
He’s so adorable!
There’s something so cute and suspicious about cats. I just think I like them more than dogs.
That’s why I’m obsessed with lions. If only I could keep one!!
Keep in Touch(ed),
Magellan is a determined kitten! I love the expressions on his face, you can certainly tell just what he is thinking.
Our cat, Luna and our dog, Riley – who we lost over the summer, used to work together to open doors. Riley was the superior “pusher” who opened the doors with her head. Luna was the partner who would open the doors that needed “pulling” by getting her paw under them and pulling them toward her. They were quite the enterprising duo.
Luna recently learned to open the sliding door screens. She is an indoor only cat, so we will have to fix that.
Enjoy Magellan.
She is adorable n you can always come up with different clicks 🙂
happy to link up!